[34]. Sounds Like a First Date...

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It was the last Saturday night before winter vacation ended. On Monday, I'd be returning to school at Bayridge High. Admittedly, I was on some level of nervous for it. I was scared that with school, everything would just...go back to the way it was. This magical week would feel like an unreal fantasy I had spun up in my head in comparison to the old school building. Of course, things would be different. They had to be, now that Jax and I were...an item.

But still, teachers and classmates and colleges and grades all seemed to be teaming up in order to kill my mood. And, of course, there was the matter of my mother's ex-husband. 

Don't think about it, I thought to myself. Tonight, I was going on a date with the guy I've been crazy about since forever. And I was not going to think about teachers and classmates and colleges and grades.

As wonderful as this week had been, however, it hadn't been devoid of challenges. It wasn't easy, sneaking around Norah and Maya, who were the nosiest people alive. They could easily tell when something was on my mind, and this week, Jax had been on my mind a lot. Plus, my mom had taken a lot of sudden interest in my life ever since she started coming out of her depression - which is amazing, don't get me wrong, but it didn't make dating my best friend all that easy. Of course, we were going to break the news that we were together at some point. But I don't think Jax and I were ready to take on all the chatter and yelling and excitement and anger that came with announcing our relationship.

Not to mention Maya's reaction to finding out that Milo had a girlfriend...

Yeah. Probably better to keep it quiet for now.

I thought about tomorrow. January first. Maybe I should be making a list of new year's resolutions right now or something typical like that. I mean, I should probably be organizing my room or doing anything except sitting here on my bed, my brain stationed on Jax. I sighed out loud and grabbed a notebook, a tore off a jagged page. Then I scrawled (in extremely messy handwriting) across the top: New Year's Resolution #1: STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!!

I flopped backwards onto my bed. Well, I can already tell I'm going to break that one. I closed my eyes. I really should start getting ready. Maya was off doing who-knows-what with Dave (I know what. Gross). It was New Year's Eve, after all.

And I had a date with Jaxon Blake Maxwell.

Yes, yes, it's true. Sometimes, I don't even dare to believe it, because in my twisted mind I somehow feel like the moment I admit it, I'll suddenly wake up in a messy heap of pillows and blankets with dried drool encrusted on my lips, and I'll realize that it was all a dream.

I really, really didn't want it all to be a dream. But I mean, look at me. I'm not his type. I'm not some Gabriella Lopez, and certainly not a Lana Watson. They were his types. Tall, busty, beautiful women who didn't mind less talk and more cock. Not me. And I mean, there's still all this worry about ruining our friendship. But then I just remember how badly I've wanted this, for so long.

Jax knew me. He knew what this relationship meant. He had to. And no matter what...we'd be okay.

My phone vibrated with an incoming text message. My tummy did one of its signature dives as I picked it up.

Jax: I'm at your door now.

Wait...what? At my door? Now?

Me: Uh...you're early.

Jax: By exactly one minute.

I glanced up quickly at the time. He was right. He got here almost perfectly on time. Dang it.

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