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J I M I N ' S P O V .

I've always known from the start that I was different to all of my friends. It started feeling more obvious when we grew up and the others would start kissing girls, taking them on days out to the beach with a complementary ice cream cone.
But I couldn't do it. I stayed at home thinking about the other boys in my grade, wondering where they got their looks from. By the time I called myself gay, I was the most popular guy in High School, but of course I wasn't going to tell anyone about it.

The girls said I was handsome, but I didn't see it, I just saw an empty shell. A shell that was used as the object of every girls fantasy. But not the boys.
Which was what mattered to me. Even if I never mentioned my preference, I still hoped that a guy would approach me.
They didn't.

And so I hid it, I dated a couple of the plastic girls in our school, got a few rumours to circulate and then I would be fine - 'straight' for the student body to see.
But when that damn Min Yoongi arrived in our class, I could tell straight away that I would get nothing good from it.

It was twelve pm, lunch time in the Cafeteria, and Tae is bringing his lunch over to sit beside me.
Taehyung was the only person aware of my sexuality, even my parents were unaware, and I would keep it that way. I remember when I first told him; he was slightly awkward with me for a while but he was always supportive of my decisions which was what mattered.

"How's it going Jiminie? You see Yoongi today? Why does he think coming to class intoxicated is a good idea?"

I shrug, " yeah, guess he's crazy." I mumble.
That was what Tae didn't know.
He didn't know about the dark interest I had for Yoongi, as wrong as it was.

Tae goes back to shovelling food into his mouth and the day goes forward, as if we had never spoken. I rise from my seat and leave the table with my tray, muttering a 'bye', to Tae and leaving room, for Math.

While walking down the corridor I check my phone, that was overloaded with confessions of fake love, before colliding with an incredibly solid chest and falling to the ground, pulling the offender with me.
"Watch where you're going babyboy, wouldn't want to get hurt now would you?" I open my eyes, hearing the deep voice that belonged to Yoongi, his voice sounding like heaven to my ears.
"Uh-h I'm sorry," now I finally get the chance to talk to him, I stutter . good job Jimin.

Yoongi quickly releases me from his warm hold and stands up leaving me on the ground, walking to his next class with that deadly smirk graced on his pink lips.
God I could kiss those.
But then you risk your reputation.

I get back up, quivering on the thought of Yoongi kissing me but brushing it off. Calculus ain't gonna do it itself.
When I get to class, it has only just begun and the teacher favoured me so I was saved pretty easily as I took my seat at the front, raking a hand through my pitch black hair in stress. That wasn't the way I had pictured my first encounter with Yoongi.
To be truthful,
I hoped that we never met.

Because I had a feeling that after that we would always come into contact until it became unavoidable. Of course I would love that, but I'm shy, and I've seen the way bullies push the gays around.
I don't want that.
But then again, Yoongi could protect me from that. Couldn't he?

A/N: Wondering What the hell I just wrote then, but also low key loving it lol.
Georgie xxx

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