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Y O O N G I ' S P O V .

That boy looked too innocent for his own good. Ever since I saw him in my class, I knew how he saw me, I could see straight through his lie. After all, people of the same type always gravitate towards each other, don't they?
As I walked away from Jimin, I thought about how I would approach him next, me crashing into him was just my way of confirming my suspicions.
He wanted me.
We'll see if he ends up liking what he gets.

J I M I N ' S P O V .

"Good day son?" My mothers head peeks out from the kitchen, as I take my shoes off in the corridor.

"Hmph, the usual." My brain was still affected from Yoongi earlier in the day, and somehow it managed to put me in a worse mood than usual. I trudge quickly upstairs and slam my bedroom door shut, stealthily jumping onto my desk chair, and turning on the screen of my computer;

"apparently, the gang Yoongi's in isn't new, it's well-established. They go under a company called 'Bangtan Enterprises'."

I was now researching the newest information Taehyung gave me in fifth period about Yoongi and his supposed 'gang'.

My fingers jabbed open the incognito window option, and I typed 'Bangtan Enterprises,' in the search box. The first result claimed to be an official website, and that was the first one I clicked on. The site was refined and looked like it was owned by a Millionaire. The first page highlighted their ambiguous aims of climbing high on the stock market - but Taehyung suspects that this is just a cover for their actual motives; drug trafficking and assassination plots. The next page on the site was titled, 'the leaders of the enterprise'. Which at first seemed a bit dumb to me because, if you're part of a gang, surely you wouldn't want people to know of your association to the illegal activity?

Nevertheless, this page confirmed what Taehyung said.

And a little bit more.

The CEO of the company was someone called Kim Namjoon - the site stated he was 20 - which seemed crazy for someone that young to own a company.

His partners were; Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok. It stated they were also around the same age as this Namjoon guy.

My eyes trailed slightly lower down, and found 'Min Yoongi'- his position in the company wasn't mentioned, making me even more curious of his part in all this.

I then noticed a small category below Yoongi labelled as, 'violence handlers' (whatever the fuck that meant), and under it was a young man named Jeon Jungkook and..

Kim Taehyung.

I was shocked to say the least, perhaps even angrier than ever. Taehyung must know Yoongi personally, and that might even mean that Yoongi knows I think he's hot. Shit. They could be laughing about me right now, just the thought of it made me shrink further into my seat in self-consciousness. Was it part of some plan to just give away the name their gang hides under? Did they want me to find them? Or worse, were they recruiting me? No it couldn't be something like that; I may be popular, but I'm weak and only good for dance in the long run, and I don't think a gang needs a dancer.

So what for then?

As I shut down all the windows open and turned my computer off I knew I would have to confront Taehyung about it tomorrow, as scary as the idea seemed. I had hoped deep down, that the years of support I received from him, wasn't false, but actual friendship.

Y O O N G I ' S P O V .

"Did you tell him?" I ask Taehyung, as soon as he walks into the office, Jungkook in tow.

"You know he's gonna find out about me too Hyung?" Taehyung replies. To me, that was just collateral damage, something that was bound to happen one day or another, especially if I were to make Jimin mine.

"Do I look like I care? The objective of you giving out information of us is purely so that he 'accidentally' gets involved to the point where there's no going back." I glare back.

Now all I had to do was wait.

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