Chapter one

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"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Percy looked behind the blond haired male "And didn't I make that ship explode?"

Luke licked his lips. "About that..." Jason blinked.

"Wait, What?"

Jason and Percy had been walking peacefully (sorta) on the beach at Camp Half-blood, minding their own business, when a dead man and his sunken ship decided to dock there.

Percy and Luke ignored Jason.

"Wait, are you even alive?" Percy decided to experiment by poking the older boys chest, repeatedly.
"So your actually here, like alive and all that?"



"So, I was in the underworld, than I was in the middle of the ocean on Princess Andromeda and I decided to sail here."

Percy punched him in the gut, "That's for dying." Then Percy punched him across the face, "And that was for being an idiot."

Luke yelped and pressed his hand to his cheek. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Poor Jason just stood there, he had never been more confused in his life.

Percy looked back at the shorter blond. "I'm going to call a councilors meeting."

Jason stared at him. "Huh?"


All cabin councilors sat around the ping pong table. The Nike cabin's councilor, A.J. was having a very physical argument with Clarisse about the last chariot race. It had been a close call but the Nike cabin had been proclaimed victor. The Ares cabin simply wouldn't let it go, even though the race had taken place over three weeks ago.

"We won you little fucker! Everyone is only saying you won because they hate Ares! I should rip your fucking head off for your stupid false claims you little shit!" Clarisse threatened holding up her third (don't ask) electric spear.

"Oh gods, just let it go!" A.J. snapped.

Annabeth, along with all the campers that had been in the second titan war (except for Clarisse) had been staring at Luke in shock. "Calm down Clarisse, there are more important matters to discuss." Annabeth eyed Luke then Percy, then Luke, and then Percy again. Her eyes narrowed. "Percy, what did you do?"

Now Clarisse had take notice of the unexpected guest and froze.

Before anyone could speak Luke broke the silence. "Percy didn't do anything and I honestly don't know how I'm still alive. The fates came to me in my dreams and told me that they would only stop the gods from killing me if I did something that made more than half the camp like me, not forgive, like."

Annabeth's posture stiffened. "How do you expect to do that, because if you haven't noticed, everyone either forgave you only because you sacrificed yourself or they-"

Percy interrupted her. "-or they hate your guts because they blame you for their sibling's or friend's death."

"I'm sorry." Luke muttered. It sounded sincere enough, so a little tension was lifted.

Jason stood up. "'I'm sorry, this sounds like a very, uh, special, heartfelt moment but I believe I'm speaking for, uh, a lot of people, when I say that I have literally no idea what is going on."

Annabeth sighed and stood up. "Everyone, this is Luke Castellan, son of Hermes, he joined Kronos's side in the second titan war, and then he sacrificed himself to save everyone. He's going to wish he was still dead." She smiled, a dark glint in her eyes. Everyone within a seven foot radius of her backed up.


Outside the big house, Annabeth, Luke, and Percy stared at each other. Annabeth finally snapped and she tackled Luke to the ground. She proceeded to punch him. Everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Luke lay on the ground groaning in pain and clutching his manhood.

Percy sat on his knees and patted Luke's shoulder, wincing in sympathy. Annabeth stood to the side, smirking triumphantly. "Luke, if you are in pain right now, you should be worried, The Hunt is visiting camp next week. I'd stay away from them if you want to avoid a run in with Thalia."

When Luke finally got up he gestured towards the two of them. "Is percabeth a thing now?"

Percy stared at him, his eyebrows scrunched together. Annabeth rolled her eyes at him muttering seaweed brain under her breath.

"We got together but it didn't work out. We decided that being friends was much, much better."

They weren't sure but they could have sworn they saw a look of relief on Luke's face before it disappeared.


Percy glanced at Luke a week later, they listened to the resounding horn that blared only when the hunt wished to make an appearance. They sat in a tree near the beach, covered by the leaves and branches. The two of them have been hanging out for the last week, and had gained a close bond. Percy snickered at the obvious fear in Luke's eyes. "Are you going to stay here until they leave? Because if you are I am not going to get you every meal."

Luke scowled at him and glanced at the Princess Andromeda, it had been docked there since he had first landed at Camp. Luke's eyes lit up.

"Let's hide in there."

"I'm not the one who's hiding. You are. And that idea is genius because Thalia would never expect you to hide in the giant ship you came here on."

Luke glared at him. "Shut up. And why are you always so sarcastic. My ideas are perfect."

"Uh huh."

Suddenly the shadows condensed besides them. Nico appeared. "Guys, this is a really stupid hiding spot. I found you very quickly and Thalia is a hunter."

Nico looked at Luke. "Your dead."

Luke glared at him.

Luke eyes widened, "I know how to get into everyone's good graces!" He got up and gestures toward the giant ship.


Nico laughed, "Told you." Then he shadow traveled away, cackling.

Percy was frozen, "Well, it is your fault for being loud and letting yourself get spotted... and I like living so... your on your own."

And Percy mist traveled away.

Luke jumped out of the tree and made a run for it. A livid Thalia chasing him, followed by the rest of the hunters. They did not want to miss a chance to watch a male being torn apart by their lieutenant.

AN: I just love how selfless Percy is. :-)

This is my first story so be a little more chill with your comments. More chapters will come up soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan does.

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