Chapter 7

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A/N: Warning, this chapter is a bit more graphic than the others and filled with a lot more sorrow.

It was morning the next day and everyone woke up happy and full of hope that they could save the city.

"Hey Violet, you should wear something cute for Quigley," said Isadora after they woke up and they were just lying in bed.

"What how do you know about Quigley and I," Violet said.

"First of all you two are obvious and secondly he told Duncan and I all about it when we got out of.... you know what".

"What did he tell you!".

"Just what happened between you two on the mountain".

"Damn you Quigley that was a secret kiss!"

"Wait you kissed! He just told me about the extreme flirting."

"Yes, on a frozen ledge of Stricken Stream. We needed a break so we sat there and I said the view was lovely then he said very lovely indeed. Only he wasn't looking at the view he was looking at me".

"Awwww Quigley is so sweet, so you should wear something cute for him". At this point, the two girls were standing next to the dresser and Isadora was going through her clothes for something Violet could wear. Then Isadora passed her a deep purple dress. Violet put it on and Isadora said.

"Very lovely indeed"

"Oh shut up. You're never going to let this go are you"

Isadora shook her head "no"

"Great" Violet said in a sarcastic way. The two girls exited the room and went to the main table where everyone was already.

"You look nice Violet," said Quigley. Isadora had a secret smile.

"Anyway, we're here now let's go. We don't need diving suits the mushrooms didn't make it this far. Aye". They all got up and started exiting the submarine. It was a hot sunny day with not a cloud in the sky. They decided to leave Beatrice behind so she could sleep, with Captain Widdershins and Phil. They all made there way up the hill and saw the burnt remains of the hotel. It all just looked like an empty lot where and the grass was dead and infertile. Pieces of black wood were scattered everywhere. There was the reflective pond with the secret library under it. There was also a familiar face. It was a person who the Baudelaires thought they'd never see again since Sunny burnt down the hotel. They thought they killed him. They thought the killed the man with no hair but a beard.

"Hello children I'll take that fortune now," he said in a calm voice.

He was standing next to the pond with his hands behind his back. It looked like he was hiding something.

"No, what makes you think we'll give you that and how did you find us?" Violet shouted coming out of the initial shock she felt upon seeing him.

"You owe me. You see you took my associates in that fire and I intercepted the telegram. Your side isn't the only side that uses the Sebald code". He replied still in a calm manner.

"Did we also kill her?" said Klaus.

"Yes, you also killed her. So now you see why you owe me something like your fortune"

"We will never give you anything and we'll rid this world of your treachery" retorted Violet.

"But you don't understand. You might as well give up now. The firefighting side of this organisation is endangered. There are so little of you left but us the fire starting side have our numbers increasing every day. You are greatly outnumbered so if you want a quick death I suggest you give up now" he said slightly slipping out of his calm tone.

A Series Of Unfortunate Events. The Fateful Fungus.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora