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victim #23
the case of
curious georgia

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"amazing shots!"


"b e a u t i f u l"

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with comments like those on photos that are just as nice, i never really thought about hate that much. i had seen news coverage of people killing people and doing more sins, i'd always feel somewhat guilty and the need to feel sorry for the victims and the killers.

the killers, you may ask? oh, i just thought every one of us has a reason to do something. may it be revenge, pleasure, leisure and simply plain, sick, joy of killing.

with this profile of mine, you thought i wouldn't kill.

oh, but i did.

a lot.

i did the world a favor, if you asked me.

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"taehyung-ah!" i heard her call me again, but i never get tired of it.

"ne?" i asked once again, to which she asked the same question again.

"are you done yet?" i chuckled as she gave me a clear, fake smile, with eyebrows up to complete her hoping face. i saved the file on my computer and faced her.

"you know what? for you, i think i am now." i smiled as her face lit up, caught by surprise.

"wah! really? oh, god. i thought i wasn't going to eat dinner anymore." she said, eyebrows furrowed while rubbing her stomach. i shook my head at her, grabbing my wallet, camera and a beanie. psh,as if anyone's going to notice me. i don't even show my face on social media. i put the beanie on quickly and turned to look at her again.

"let's go?" she nodded happily and we started walking to a near restaurant.

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we sat on a table near the glass walls that separated the sidewalk and the interior of the restaurant. i had meant that so i could take a picture of her with the neon sign above her. the restaurant's lighting was soft and the night was beautiful, both just enough to bring a nice effect to her photo.

"yah! you brought your camera! seriously? we're just going to eat, tae." she noticed, after ordering our food.

"let me take a picture of you~" i cooed from across her. i really like to take pictures of her despite her not liking it.

she gave me an expressionless face to which i just gave a grin to.

"please, kace-ah~" i pout, trying to get her to say yes. still expressionlesss, she sternly said no.

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