Chapter 1

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Clary's POV
Walking into yr 11 at a new school can make you feel all different kinds of things, scared, alone, nervous. These were just a few of the butterflies fluttering rapidly and making me feel ill.

Well I, Clary Fray had just moved here to Brisbane, Australia with my mum and brother Jonathan or Jon for short.

Today I start year eleven at Idris high while Jon is starting year 12. While I had super nervous and kinda scared butterflies, I knew Jon was excited and ready to start ti start the new year. Especially because he knew he would fit in, everyone loved him and thought he was quite attractive with his platinum white, blonde hair, green eyes and tall muscular figure, girls were falling head over heels for him.

I on the other hand, had bright, curly red hair that most days I struggled to tame. I'd been granted the same bright green eyes as Jon, but seriously lacked in the height department, barely reaching 5ft3.

We definitely did not look related at all, most people at our old school hadn't even realised the tall, star soccer player was related to the clumsy redhead I claimed to be.

Other than our differences in looks, our personalities were completely polar opposites. While Jon was all about the girls and soccer, I focused on art and my love for manga.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice we had pulled into the school car park until Jon nudged my shoulder, telling me to 'move my ass'. I trudged out of the car and together Jon and I headed for the front office, meanwhile bracing myself for this new experience.

Author's Note:
Hi guys, welcome to our first ever fan fiction! My sister and I will take turns each chapter between writing and editing. Sorry if it's not that great, please remember it's our first time, so no hate thanks.

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