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The chaos that comes with being a famous celebrity seem to vanish as soon as Kongpob's car zoomed out of the venue. Kongpob didn't look back at the crowd trying to take a last glimpse of him. He leaned his head back comfortably on his seat and sighed tiredly. 

"Any plans for tonight?" Jane, Kongpob's manager slash driver, looked at him using the rear view mirror and asked.

His manager shouldn't have asked as the younger male always answered, "No plans. I'm just going to head home and sleep."

Same old Kongpob Suttiluck. 

"You are the most boring celebrity in existence." His manager complained, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I thought it would be a dream for any manager to have a celebrity like me under their wing." A smirk rose from his lips, his eyes trained on the view outside the moving car. "I don't date, do drugs, make trouble and a healthy man to boot. You don't have to worry about me dying prematurely." He teased his manager.

Kongpob's manager wished the man would have a scandal. The man had been a celebrity for almost eight years and he got famous in his third year. Any normal person should have had a slip on two in their career, but Kongpob doesn't. No one can be 'this clean'. 

No normal person can live like this. It was as if music is his only life. No one should live that way in Jane's opinion. 

Many times, Jane had tempted the man with a dates with a hot male and female celebrity. He even tried offering the not so legal drugs. What does he get? Total rejection. Being with Kongpob feels like he was serving a monk, not a famous singer. 

"Not my dream. I want an artist who will make trouble once in a while. It would test my skills as a manager. With you, my abilities are useless."

Jane could hear Kongpob laughing from the back. "Don't say it like that. You have helped me get out from a lot of sticky situations over the years."

"Sometimes I feel like I'm not earning my keep. You're too nice."

"I don't think I'm nice. I just don't have a reason to be bad."


Kongpob dazedly woke up after God knows what. He lazily ran a hand over his messy raven hair as he winced at he light hitting his face. He must have forgotten to properly close the curtains last night.

Hunger forced him out of his bed, heading straight to the kitchen of his million dollar house that had too many rooms for his liking and took out a ready-made meal to be popped into the microwave. Today's breakfast like always was pancake and some salad. He had forgone heating the pancake and ate it cold. He was too lazy to make food for himself. Other than music, he had no energy to waste energy on anything else. That's why his management and his manager always made sure that all he needed were already prepared and there was somebody near to do Kongpob's bidding.

Kongpob Suttiluck was so different from what the public know him as. They think he's a rock star celebrity that get his kicks from drugs and women. Right now, they thought that he was partying somewhere exotic or in a private island getting high or intoxicated. The media had portrayed him as such but that was far from the truth.

The real Kongpob Suttiluck was no part animal nor a addicted druggie. He doesn't have any groupie he can call for a bootie call or a pimp to get his fix. The real deal prefers to be cooped up in his house and work on his music. Music is the only thing that matters to this person. No one would think this rock star personality was actually a boring person.

In a daze, he ate his meal carefully. He didn't bother eating the pancake with syrup and the salad with the dressing. Kongpob ate to live not to take pleasure in it. There's no junk food in his house nor sodas. Aside from the ready-to-eat meals in his fridge and water, no other food can be found in his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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