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                                        03 / 09 / 2018

Dear Kookie,

'Did you like your present? :)'
I've been looking at this text for a while now, anticipating a sign that you'd read it.
But that sign never came..

I heard a song playing on the radio today as I cleaning the dishes.

Dad was flipping from station to station and then, with the swift click of a button, the song played - loud and strong - like the beat was meant to be forever heard.

It took me back as I listened - back to the time I stayed at your apartment.

"Jungkookie!" I had called, I'm smiling as I recall you never even glanced up at my words.
You were miles away; enslaved to the music.

The song played from your phone as it rested upon the oak wood coffee table.

I remember your head bobbing along to the rhythm but if I'm not mistaken, I saw the sad glint in your eyes too.

I know how much you hate the constant questions.
So I stayed quiet.

You were concentrating on moving your pencil from place to place, gracefully dragging it along the paper that you'd laid atop a book, propped up against your knees.

You sat on the sofa, your black beanie keeping your hairs behaviour in check.
You were so beautiful.
You still are.

And I know you're going to deny that when you read this so I'll say it a thousand times if I have to!

I remember throwing myself down beside you, instantly cuddling against your frame.

I remember the smile you showed me as you hid the picture against your chest, embarrassed.

"No, Kookie!" I'd pouted, "please show me!"
You'd reluctantly agreed after some more pleading on my part.
It was a picture of us.

You said when you'd finished it, I could keep it.

I was so overwhelmed with emotion, no one had ever given me anything like that before.
Still hasn't!

Most of the presents I'd received up until that point were usually the chipped pens and pencils I'd forgotten to give back after class.

I remember crying with happiness and holding you close.
Oh, how I crave your touch again..
You're like a drug I can't seem to have.

You laughed and it felt like I'd thanked you a billion times that night, over and over again, all the while as the song played in the background.

I love you ♡
Take care, Taehyung

(A/N: The song I thought of was Take It All by Sawyer Fredericks, I've been listening to it as I write these chapters.

Though I left out the lyrics so you're free to choose whichever song you'd like it to be)

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