chapter 8: i have demons

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alright folks this is where it gets angsty i apologize. Also trigger warning: abuse. Please do not read if you get triggered by this.

A groan pried itself from yoongis lips as he entered the small café that his bunny lover worked.

"Hey taehyung, sorry Jimin's not with me today he had to visit his mom"

as yoongi shifted his arms upaward to stretch out any left exhaustion he heard a sad sigh admit from the cashier

"If you're looking for jungkook.. he told me to tell you not to come anymore..."

The older male laughed in disbelief, what kind of cruel joke is this?

"You must be kidding me. You... You must be kidding me."

as the cashier shook his head and apologized to yoongi, he felt his world flip upside down. He quickly bowed to the younger leaving the coffee shop and grabbed his phone.

From: handsome💕 9:38 a.m.
Hey baby, tae told me you didn't want to talk to me anymore?? Why??

Change Contact name?
[Yes] [No]

From: yoongi. 10:06 a.m.
Baby you're worrying me what's going on? Did I do something?

From: yoongi. 11:54 a.m.
Seriously jungkook what's going on? I know you read these please answer...

Bunny babe🐰💕
please leave me alone yoongi.
Nothing personal... I'm sorry.

Why? Yoongi thought, what the hell happened. Why... Yoongis heart was racing, and his head was spinning. He didn't know what was happening or why it was this way. a few days ago him and jungkook were fine. They went out to see "love, Simon" and spent the night at yoongis home for being to scared to face his parents.

his parents.

all at once yoongis emotions exploded. he was infuriated.

From: yoongi. 1:08 p.m.
Jungkook... Is it your parents?

From: Bunny babe 🐰💕
Please help me yoongi.

Now yoongi was fuming. Jungkooks told him multiple times that his father doesn't approve of them being together and jungkooks been wearing longer sleeves and insisting he keeps his jacket on, even at the beach.

it all clicked.

Jungkook didn't want to leave yoongi. He didn't want to tell taehyung it was complicated but he couldn't talk because his father was standing right behind him. He needed help. He needed his snow white in shining armor.

But.. not all hero's can save the day.

Luckily that's not one of these stories.

as yoongi raced to jungkooks home. He saw something he thought he could never unsee.

There was a fist full of jungkooks hair in an elderly mans hand, the older male was yelling and screaming at jungkook, bruised and bleeding yoongi saw the man's hand raise

"What the hell did I say about talking to that-"

before the older male struck the helpless younger once more. Yoongi jumped inand pushed the elder off of the younger, smacking his head on the nearby wall.

Yoongi didn't know how he got there. Didn't know how he was now standing in his lovers home, watching his father groan in pain on the floor as he weeps.

"y-yoongi w-what are you d-doing here p-please leave.."

"of course baby."

with these words yoongi picked up the younger and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. His hair was mangled from being gripped, he had a split lip and a few forming bruises on his cheeks and eye. But yoongi couldn't be more happier to see him.

"Sir." Unfortunately yoongis happiness quickly turned to rage as he passed the elder male on the floor

"Come near jungkook again. And you'll be six feet under."

The elder didn't say anything. Just Groaned and grumbled on the ground. Cursing the two to hell lowly under his breath.


"Shh baby.. I'm right here."
the walk back to yoongi's house was rather quiet. mainly because the small talk male that resembled a bunny later in his arms weeping himself to sleep with soft 'im sorry's and quiet 'i love you's
But this is no happy ending.

When the two got to yoongis house, the older decided to quietly wake his sleeping lover to clean his wounds.

"y-yoongi.. i asked you to leave."

"and i did. With you."


"Because I love you."

the younger let out a small sigh and shook his head in disbelief, the familiar substance began to fall from his eyes once again.

"Y-you don't love me... Don't say that... You love the idea of me... Jungkook. Happy café worker with the never ending smile. Yoongi i have demons.. so many demons. A-and I'm afraid. Yoongi. I'm afraid that if you see my demons... They'll scare you away like the rest of them. Im so sorry."

all yoongi did was sit there and listen. Because that's all he ever does, not once has he ever ignored or pretended to hear someone, especially jungkook when he talks. And that's when he decided it was his turn to speak

"Jungkook." he took a deep breath and softly cupped the youngers purple and blue cheeks and looked into his dough eyes

"I love you. and your demons. what can I say. Your demons mingled with mine and now we're one the search for heaven together. I love you jungkook. More than any cheesy fairytale. Because I'm not going to whisk you away and ride off into the sunset. But instead gently carry you home. And help you heal the wounds that you carry so deep. Who knows if we have a happily ever after or not. As long as I'm with you. I don't need a castle, a throne or anything else but you and that cute bunny smile I fell for months ago. I love you."

it was silent for a few seconds. that is because jungkook was speechless. The words he wanted to say we're caught up in his throat as if a plug had suddenly stopped his words from rising. Instead he melted his tender lips against the olders. And nothing needed to be said because in that moment. All they needed was each other.

"I love you too, min yoongi."


TADA!! all done, it's kinda cheesy and not the greatest ending but i hope you enjoyed it. Ill do a Q & A so ask some questions :)

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