Part 10

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(A/n - *whispers* Magical raven baby making ahead. *runs away with cup of tea and pack of Jammy Dogers* )

After the wedding night, Maleficent returned to her tree in the moors, Aurora and Philip moved into the castle and the wall of thorns separating the enchanted forest and the kingdom was destroyed.

Diaval and you sat by the lake, feet in the cool crystal water. Watching flocks of birds fly above your heads.

"You know, Maleficent does not think of you as her wings anymore. If you want to go and be with ravens like yourself, I would understand." You say with a sad smile. Diaval looks up at you, a smirk on his lips. "Is that a hint m'lady?"

"No! no. It's not a hint. I just want you to know, if you change your mind about me and want to join a new, is quorum the right word?" Diaval nods pressing his lips together. " and you want to join a new quorum of ravens, I would understand."

"(f/n)," Diaval sighs with a smile, taking both your hands in his. "There is nothing in this world that could ever make me leave you. I love you (f/n), I always will; beside, who needs ravens anyway. You were my first love and you shall be my last."

"And I love you pretty bird, so much more than you can believe." Diaval leans in and kisses your lips softly, his thumb rubbing slow circles on the back of your hand. When you break apart you lean on each others foreheads, smiling lightly. Deep, dark, brown eyes gaze directly into your

(e/c) ones.

"You're beautiful." You hear Diaval whisper, his beak like nose rubbing against yours. "I just want you to know that." With one of his hands he strokes your cheek with a lazy, lopsided smile. "Absolutely beautiful."

"Diaval, stop." You laugh, running your fingers through his hair.

"What?" He laughs, placing another kiss on your lips.

"You know what, bird man." 

You both lie down in the grass and watch as the sun seeps through the clouds. You head back to the cottage later that night.

You make dinner for Diaval and yourself before getting ready for bed.

"I'll see you in the morning." Diaval says, propping pillows on the arm of the sofa.

"Are you not joining me?"

"I don't want to rush you into anything you don't want to do, I'm fine on the sofa."

"I've known you for over sixteen years. I'm sure we can sleep in the same bed, besides you stayed the night we fought the king."

"That was because you had been dead only a few hours prior to it. Are you sure you're okay with this?" Diaval asks walking over to you and placing a hand on your cheek.

"Of course I am and you died too remember?" You smile kissing him.

"I remember all too clearly m'lady." He smiles and follows you to the bedroom.

(le time skip *spring*)

You sit by the window ledge watching the sun beating down off the lake. You hear Diaval squwarking from a tree, trying to gain your attention. Once he find your eyes on him, he leaps from his tree. His wings take him up into the sky. You watch as he spirals up and down and cuts through the air like a knife through butter. His graceful actions have you in a trance, your mouth slightly ajar. He climbs to the highest heights and weaves between clouds. He swoops back down to the ground and drags is claws through the lake. "Awk! Awk! Awk!"

'Stay calm Diaval.' He thinks to himself. 'It's all going fine.'

He finally lands and changes himself back into a human, walking towards the window.

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