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Later that evening, Raul and I went to the bar. I promised him and I did not want to let him down by not coming. I wanted him to known that I meant what I said, even if I did not want to go to the bar. I was not much of a drinker and I did not want him to get the wrong idea about me. I wanted him to grow as a friend and if it meant going to the bar than I would for him. 

Ethan told me that he would be back to pick me up in a few hours. I missed him already and I couldn't wait for us to go on vacation later this evening. I was excited to be able to go on a flight with him and experience things new things with him. 

Raul had ordered his drink and we were waiting for the waiter to come back with them. I was still looking at the menu. Raul looked at me and he was playing with a napkin that was in front of him. 

"What is it Raul?" I asked.

"Did you actually want to come out with me tonight?" 

I nodded and reached to touch his shoulder. "Of course. Why do you think I didn't?" 

"I just want to make sure. So, I want to know all about you and the boss lady's brother." 


"No, Martin. Yes! You know Natasha is totally jealous of you."  Raul said. 

The waiter came back and he places a bottle beer and a pitcher of draft beer in front of us. The waiter looked at me and then the menu. 

"Might I suggest a drink miss?" He asked me. 


"How about a peach bellini? Its frozen and it is one of the house favorites." 

"Ill take one then." 

The waiter nodded and he took the menu and went about his way. Raul and I locked eyes again and he leaned in closer towards me. 

"I don't want any drama Raul. I really don't need to know." 

"Im sorry, I'm a gossiper." 

Later on during the night Raul went on about how long he had worked as a stylist and he went on talking about all of the celebrities he had met. Three bellini's later and so many giggles, my phone rang with Ethan's name on it. 

I held a finger to Raul and giggled, telling him to hush. He put his hands together and he giggled even louder. 

"Hi, Daddy." I giggled into the phone. 

"Bailyn? Are you drunk?" He asked me. 

"Hey Ethan!" Raul yelled. 

I turned around and I playfully smacked his arm. "You're with Raul? Bailyn, i just wanted to let you know that Im coming to get you, little one. Please be safe and stay where you are." Ethan said. 

"yes, sir." I said, hanging up the phone. 

"Aww. You're leaving aren't you?" 




A few hours later Daddy and I were at the airport and he had his hands wrapped around me. He helped me up the stairs and we sat down. The pilot went about the rules and in case of emergency. Once we were free to roam the cabin, Daddy lead me to the back where there was a small couch. He sat me down and he told me that he was going to change his clothes. 

He came back out and he was shirtless. I liked what I saw. I smiled up at him and he sat down on the other side of the couch. He patted his chest and he told me to lean on him. I could hear his heartbeat and my hand played with the small amount of chest hair that was on his chest. 

His arms were wrapped around me and he was running a hand through my hair, massaging my ear every few seconds. My eyes began to grow heavy and he would just talk about little things. 

"You can go to sleep, Bailyn. Daddy will protect you and cuddle you until we land. Ill wake you up when its time to get buckled up again." He said quietly. 

"Goodnight, daddy." I said. 

"Goodnight baby. We have a long flight ahead of us." He said.




Short update but im on vacation ;) have a wonderful week!

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