#13: Radiance

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The Gods must have been truly happy with me to let me love such a beautiful human being. To wake up to such an angelic face should be a sin. I pecked his lips, which were plump and rich. He must of had Mochi the night before. I pulled away a bit, but was instantly pushed back into it with a had on the back of my neck. He bit my bottom lip and stuck my tongue to the inside of his cheek. It was sugary sweet. 

We made out for a mere two minutes and I pulled away so we didn't take it any farther. "Good morning Yoongi-ah.~" Damn bitch in heat. 

"Well that's a way to wake up, I guess." He caressed my cheek and kissed me again. I ruffled through his hair. "Your such an ass, even before you wake up."

I rolled out of bed and scratched at my jawline. I helped Jimin up and he snagged towards me. "Do we have to be humas and go outside and socialize or can we stay here?" I smiled at his comment, but it went blunt after I knew what he was doing today.

"Let me help you get dressed and then I'm gonna make breakfast." I guess the thought had just striked him as well. He was no longer jumpy, instead mellow. 

I helped him up from the bed and dressed him. I could tell he hated it. He wanted to be independent. "So were talking to him today...right?" He sighed as I helped him put his sweater on or more like my sweater. 

"Yeah, I mean if you want to. But you have to step up for yourself, Jimin." He looked down. I knew that he wanted to do it but his hands were shaking. He was nervous. 

I placed my hand on his cheek to calm him. "I know that Hoseok will be fine with it. He knows that you weren't happy." He nodded but I could tell thst anxiety was still hurting him. "Hey, I love you." 

He smiled again, which was nice to see. "C'mon let's go eat." he rolled his chair our of the room as I opened the door.

I followed him down the hall. "I love you too."


"I hate you." I looked up at the house, knowing Hoseok hadn't left for work yet. He worked at a dance studio for children who wanted to dance, striving to be Kpop idols. 

I helped him out of the car and I walked to the front door, him wheeling behind me. "He might get angry." He breathed deeply and I couldtell he was nervous. 

"He's a calm person when he needs to be, okay? I don't think I've ever seen him angry." He exhaled and tried to calm down. 

"Okay..." I knocked on the door and I heard him walk down the stairs quickly. He opened the door with his usual smile.

He was all smiles until he saw Jimin in the wheelchair. "Hey Yoongi!- W-what happened? Why are with- what's going on?"

I scratched the back of my head as I watched Jimin's hand shake. "Can we come in?" 

Hoseok opened his door as to say 'come in.' He was confused as Jimin looked nervous as hell. "Jimin came to talk to you about...something."

He was willing to hear in defiantly. "What's up? Is everything okay?" Jimin broke from his nervousness, letting the grip go on his chair.

"Me and Yoongi, were dating. Sorry, this relationship didn't work out." Hoseok's eyes went wide. His eyes were filled with tears but I could tell her was holding back all of that emotion. 

He nodded and look down at the ground. "Okay." He crossed his arms over his workout clothes. 

"...I got hit by a car, just if your wondering." Once again he looked surprised. 

He adjusted his hat. "A-are you okay?!" Jimin nodded silent.

He looked at me with expression I could read. The 'I want to go home please.' 


This short but were getting close to an ending. 😃

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