Irv's Attack

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This chapter contains physical and slight verbal violence. It will contain mentions of mental illnesses such as; intermittent explosive disorder, anxiety and depression. In addition to doing some research, I have all three and am using my experiences with them. I can assure you that the info on them is correct. Sometimes people think mental illness is "all in your head". Brain scans show that brains containing mental illness are different from a brain not containing mental illness. It can affect other things too. If you want any info on mental illnesses, feel free to PM me. If you have any questions, PM me. I am always happy to help in anyway possible.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner, I've been on Wattpad and aside from that, I've been drawing (I may use one of my drawings as a cover image). I hope y'all read the trigger warning. Also, this chapter is set a week after the previous one. It will sort of back track to what's going through Irv's mind before the "incident" occurs. Also, just an fyi: this was sort of hard for me to write, but I think I did decently.

Enjoy your reading my lovelies and, don't forget to review!

After a week of hiding from the frenzy of paparazzi, it was finally time for the Priestly household to get back to their normal routines. That meant Miranda and Andy had to get up at 5am. That gave them an hour and a half to shower, dress, do their hair and make up. Then at 6:30 they'd wake the twins up who, did the same morning routine, minus the makeup. Once everyone was finished getting ready for the day, they met in the kitchen for breakfast. After breakfast, Andy and Miranda, watched as the twins left for school. Then, once the twins were off to school, Miranda and Andy would head off to Runway.

Knock on wood, the day was off to a great start. The morning started with a few meetings. At 9am there was a meeting with Oscar De La Renta, at 10:15am there was a meeting with Valentino and last but not least, there was a meeting at 11:30am with Balmain. Mercifully, they all went rather smoothly which allowed Miranda and Andy time to grab some lunch.

Once the pair sat down and ordered their food, they began to talk about what had happened in their day so far.

"While you were at your meetings this morning, I was checking my emails and confirming a few of your appointments. I've also heard a rumor going around that, Irv is going to try and oust you from your position as Editor-In- Chief." Miranda just rolled her eyes at the info given to her by Andy. She figured it would happen soon after announcing her and Andy's relationship; she just didn't think it would be this soon. She told Andrea as much. "I too have heard it. I honestly didn't think he'd try this soon after the last time. Do you think it's possible for him to try and scare me from my position? I know it's probably silly of me to think so, but one can't help but wonder." Andy looked at her girlfriend. She too wondered if Irv would try something along the lines of scaring Miranda from her position. Andy said, "I wondered that too. Anything is a possibility. But, in my opinion, I think Irv is all talk and no action. Although, I suppose anything could happen." When Andy had finished talking, the bill was paid and both women headed back to work. Somehow, the run through for this week was rather nicely done, so very little editing was needed.

When Andy and Miranda got back to the office, Miranda excused herself for a meeting. "Darling, I have a meeting with Nigel to fix a few things with this weeks run through. I shall see you in hour, two at the most." Miranda didn't really feel like leaving Andy because she had a feeling something was going to happen, she just wasn't sure what that feeling was or why on earth she was feeling it. She almost voiced her concern but didn't want to worry anyone. As she started walking down the hallway that led to Nigel's office, Andy answered, "Alright, I shall be waiting." With that, everyone was back to what they were doing, with the exception of Serena and Emily because, they were running a few errands for Miranda after their lunch break. Once Andrea was alone, that's when everything happened and went to shit.

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