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The oblivion that Liam had welcomed last night was still there. He realised that the Bane was taking control over him. Then he realised that he didn't are. The Bane would become his friend, and would make even the hardest choice easy. Yesterday he would have questioned this. Today he just couldn't seem to make himself care. That was why he was howling at the moon, while the increasingly small voice of logic told him not to waste his energy. Liam smiled. Oblivion was fun.

Little Shadow slunk through the treetops, looking like his namesake. Curse Savage for keeping me back! he fume silently. I'll never catch up to them at this rate! Then a thought crossed his mind. What if I turned back before the others? I'll be the first dragon back and no one will ever know. I'll just say that I followed them until they turned back, and then got bored and flew back faster than they did. There's nothing in this Slyvold, nothing for me. I will be respected, for once. And they'll neer know that I was here.

Crystal woke up feeling watched. She sensed a presence by the far tree. She saw a shadow flit away before she could get a good look at it. She sighed and shook her head. Then she rousedthe others, and after a quick bite to eat, they were off. Sandy took the lead with Wildfire close behind her on the right. Sapphire, Husky and Lion took the left side, which left her to take the right. As they flew off into the distance, Crystal sensed the presence again, but it was far behind. She sighed with relief, then flapped her wings to match the pace of the others. The shadow smiled.

Liam snuck through the forest, letting the Bane guide him to his next kill. A shiftbear barred his path and roared a challenge. He simply grabbed a long branch and thrust it into the bear's stomach. The Bane lapped up the blood as Liam watched from the small island that was where he had retreated to as the sea of the Bane sunk the continent that was his body out of reach. The Bane fed and grew stronger, making waves lap up the beach that was him. But Liam didn't care, couldn't care, because the dragons were coming, and the Bane loved dragon's blood

Creystal was agitated. The bot in her dreams was almost completely covered by the BloodBane. She saw him take down a bear with a piece of wood, and then kneel to drink its blood. But the thing that scared her most was his thoughts of killing a dragon that seemed to come so naturally to him. He must have been taught that dragons are evil, she realised, the same way that we were taught that the BloodBane never rests. But now it was sleeping, and he was just a little boy, lost in the forest and his own mind.

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