You Don't Have to Finish to Lose Your Virginity

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It was the first nice day of spring and everyone was outside enjoying the weather. It was warm enough that Molly didn't need a sweater, she just wore a loose pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The campus was amuck with restless college students who had endured snow and rain all winter, they were all basking in the long-awaited sunlight.

Sophomore year was almost over, and Molly didn't feel right. Sure, 9 months away from home can have an affect on you, but this was different. Molly wasn't homesick, Molly was horny.

Cuffing season had ended. Urban Dictionary defines cuffing season as such:

During the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be "Cuffed" or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed.

Brittany: Why is everyone trying to holla this week like outta no where?
Tiara: You know cuffing season is in full effect right?
Brittany: Oh yeah you right. I know I wont be sleeping alone this weekend.

This was cuffing season, and it was over. Molly had missed her chance to lose her virginity, everyone was in a relationship by now. Everyone except for Collin.

Molly didn't know that much about Collin, he was sort of nerdy. He wore glasses and funky clothes sometimes. His hair was a little too long and he had asked out Molly's roommate in the beginning of the year, but she had rejected him. That was all of the information she had about him, but it was enough to secure him as her target.

The thing is, Molly wasn't looking for someone she was compatible with. She wasn't looking for someone that was her type, she was only looking for someone to swipe her v-card. The truth was, Molly was tired of it. It had become a burden to her. This lack of experience was beginning to define her and loom over her like a long and hard winter. All of her friends had lost it I'm way before college, because they were smart. Molly was just tired of dragging it around and had made the decision to get rid of it.

Molly pulled her phone out of her back pocket to use as a mirror as she fluffed her hair and applied a thin layer of chapstick. She peered at Collin through her sunglasses. He was sitting alone against a tree, assumably doing homework on his laptop.

He's kind of cute, she thought, in an attempt to make herself feel better.

Molly took a deep breath and sauntered to Collin as confidently as she could, until she was blocking his sun and standing over him.

"Hey Collin." She said, looking down through her sunglasses. He peered up at her, her image silhouetted by the sunlight. It took Collin a very long time to answer.

"Hey." He squeaked out. He knew Molly's name but not much else. If anything, Molly scared Collin a little bit. Her platinum hair and piercing eyes often made him uneasy. They didn't even know each other well enough to say "hi" around campus, so Collin had a hard time understanding why she was hovering above him now, when he was just trying to get some homework done.

"You're not a virgin, right?" She spit out. These words took Collin by surprise, so much so that he sat with his mouth agape, unable to answer what seemed like a trick question. Collin could not read her face, her eyes were hidden behind thick, dark frames, and her lips sat in a pout, as they always did.

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