Chapter 1

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I watched the leaves fall in the early autumn morning. The leaves were fooled, thinking that they would stay alive for a long time, but then started to sizzle in the Sun's heat. They withered and died, falling upon the ground. I wish that everything didn't have to be this way. We humans were fooled as well, and nobody had a choice, it just happened. I decided to take a walk. Maybe it would help me clear my head of these thoughts. As I pulled on my sweater, I looked at the leaves once more. I had good memories playing in the leaves, I thought to myself, smiling. With friends, I thought bitterly. Before everything happened. Still to this day, they refuse to contact me, thinking that I was responsible for everything terrible that happened within the last decade. It the accident was so long ago. I had tried to bury my thoughts on it, acting as if I was fine, while in reality I was far from okay. I walked out of my door, ready to breathe in some fresh air. I hadn't been outside in ages, I really missed it. I passed through the last two years of college by myself in an apartment. Nobody wanted to be my roommate. I was constantly accused of something I didn't do. I hated it. Then I moved far away, so I wouldn't have to endure everything. Oh well. Sometimes people's lives didn't exactly go as planned.

So this is a little short for my first chapter and I might not update often, school and cello and stuff, so I'm sorry in advance. Also, I'm not the greatest with plots, so yeah. Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter :)

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