Chapter 2

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The fresh air filled my nostrils, the reds and oranges of the leaves creating shadowy patterns on the forest floor. Everything was an illusion though, and I thought that it was a beautiful illusion. Soon, within a few months, everything wood be covered and snow and the trees bare, no longer bearing beauty to the world. Stop it, Audree, I mentally scolded myself. You came out here to breathe in the fresh air, not contemplate illusions and the world's existence. Maybe I should explain what happened in high school. That way maybe you will understand. It was a car accident. I had just gotten my driver's license and took my mom's car out to go to the mall with some friends. Jane was in the front seat with me, while Lucas and Kate were in the backseat. While we were loading up the bags into the trunk, I noticed Jane sneaking out to the hood of the car. It was out of the corner of my eye, but I trusted her enough to think that she was fixing something. Instead, the car heated up uncontrollably and we had to run to get out. Kate nearly passed away. The car hadn't over reacted before like this, so Jane must have done something to it. Lucas, and Kate didn't believe me. They said that I was a monster and that I tried to kill them. They didn't believe me when I told them that it was Jane who had messed up something in the hood. They didn't care. They blocked my phone number, blocked me on social media, talked about me behind my back, saying that I was rude, cruel, and a horrible person to be seen with. Soon it became a game. People would make cruel jokes at my expense, put notes in my locker, tease me until I couldn't find the strength to get up in the morning. My mother didn't really notice. She just thought I was being super over dramatic about finals and college. Then I left the house. Sometimes my mother would send me letters or gifts in the mail for my birthday or the holidays, but most of the time it was like I didn't exist to her. Maybe she found out what had happened from one of my old friends. It was a very likely thing that could have happened. By this time, I had completely circled back to my home. It was quite in the middle of nowhere. It was a small cottage, with a dirt road leading into town so I could work at the flower shop and the woods behind it. All this thinking wasn't doing anything for me. The walk hadn't helped at all. I sighed in defeat. Maybe another day. 

Hello guys, so I don't really know what I'm talking about in the car accident part, I think you can tell, hehe... Its kinda messy, and I'm to lazy to edit and revise and such, but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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