Chapter. 10

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Quick A/N: Hello I am so sorry I haven't been able to update a chapter its been a wild month for me and things got out of control, I took some time off but now I am good hope you enjoy this chapter thank you for reading !


I held the bouquet of roses I got for Jana she had been feeling sick lately so she had been absent from school a few days.

I began to get suspicious that maybe I had gotten her pregnant but she never mentioned her period being late. Ray suggested to me that it couldnt be possible since it was a few months ago that I was jumped but I think it's a false alarm.

The door opened exposing Jana her face was bloated and her eyes were all red and puffy. Her eyes teared up. She looked tired and thinner I didn't know what was wrong with her. 

"Hey how are you? I asked seeing her looking bad wasn't fun "Is there something I can do to make things better?" She smiled and nodded. 

"Lets go shopping!" She smiled and I rolled my eyes pecking her and nodding "Ill be waiting in my car don't take long!

she nodded and went up stairs. 




I threw my phone at the wall, I was three months late its normal to be late one or two months for me because its happened but THREE! I knew there was something wrong if it still hasn't come. I'm beginning to think I might be pregnant, but I cant aside from getting really hungry and sick I think Its because of my new diet. 

This whole week I've been eating my meals from a small paper cup and its my meals for breakfast and dinner. My body has hurt because of the lack of food but I need to lose the weight for prom! 

I told Royce that there was a possibility that I could be pregnant. 

He completely said that he couldn't be the father he said that this was my fault for not taking the pill and he's right. He'd told me I wasn't his priority and even if I did have his baby he said he would NEVER in his life claim that baby as his. 

And before he clicked I told him I'd be willing to forgive what he said If he ever regretted it. 

I cried so hard all night. In the morning I got breakfast in a paper cup again and I threw it all up again, my body wanted food but why should I? I am worthless i'm Royce's toy and a piece of shit for cheating on Lars who only loved me and was loyal to me I cheated on him more than once what the fuck am I doing he loves me with all his heart but I cant bring myself to do so.

I promised my self to not cheat on him after the first time but I still did more than once. 


Lars p.o.v

We went out shopping she smiled at me while sipping her drink. 

We walked around and went into a store full of girls clothes, Jana grabbed several short dresses, mini skirts, crop tops, and short shorts. We went into a dressing room and I sat outside of the room waiting for her. From the corner of my eye I saw a few girls ogling me since the shirt I was currently wearing was tight and wrapped around my muscles. 

Jana stepped out glaring at the girls who were staring at me. I laughed shaking my head my eyes skimmed her body she wore a tight red  mini skirt with thigh high white boots she wore a white crop top paired with a red Jacket she smiled at me batting her lashes and bit her lip. I stood up and gave her a twirl everything wrapped around her body perfectly embracing every curve of her figure. I smiled and pecked her lips and she wrapped her arm around my neck and went in for a deeper kiss. 

I pulled away brushing her hair out of her face. "Youre beautiful you know that" I smiled at her kissing her forehead and let her go back.

After what felt like hours of shopping Jana and I left the store she held my hand smiling and kissed my cheek as she saw a group of girls looking at me.

I tucked my hand in my pocket and held her bags as I watched her get something to drink. She smiled and gave the guy and began walking toward me she stopped abruptly forgetting something and as she turned around I saw something splash and then I realized she had slushies all over her white designer dress her face paled and there stood Royce and a skinny blonde girl with beauty radiating off her face, she stormed off in my direction her eyes teary and I wonder what the actual fuck was going on. Before I knew it my hands immediately wrapped around Jana's sticky waist her eyes had rolled back and I realized she passed out. 

I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't so instead of driving her home I drove her to the hospital. I carefully took her out of the car making sure I didn't drop her like I did before. She was lighter than before which was weird since she wasn't really heavy she was just right she seemed.... thinner?


Family of Jana Agreste? 

My heart skipped... yes I lied and said we were engaged I didn't want her parents to fuss over why she went to the hospital but I liked how my last name sounded with Jana's name.

Yes that's me doctor I said standing up. 

Sir I am going to run  some tests for Jana you can see her now shes awake. I nodded and went toward the room he directed me to. I hated the smell of hospital it made me feel sick, especially because I came to say sorry to ...

Baby? Jana's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Jana how to you feel" I kissed her lips. 

A little tired but I am okay, sorry I passed out she said sheepishly.

its okay but the doctor is going to run a few tests to see if you're okay babe?

The doctor walked in his face grim sort of mad?

I looked at Jana sending her the same confused expression.

Well I've got some Good news and bad news I will start with the bad and move on the good the doctor said sounding annoyed. 

First Jana should be taking care of her self and she should be eating more luckily she was a little dehydrated but you've got to eat more Jana the good news is that...

You're Baby  you're expecting is fine... 

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