Chapter 5:Fairy Tail Ally Formation!

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Setting: Fairy Tail Guild   

"So... Gajeel, ever since Fairy Tail formed once again 3  years ago we have had our fairy tail members meet many new guilds. But now there is another guild. One built by the person you faced, Terris Zaltear Ohaku. He was raised by the Earth God Artic. His parents, Zeref Dragneel and Mavis Vermillion now are at the Legend Castle in the land of Quona. It is 1,000 times bigger than our land, Feora. Tell Terris to come in."

"Yes Master Makorav." Then Gajeel left.

30 minutes later...

"Mr.Makorav, Since you know that I have built the Heavenly Earth Guild I have decided to take 2 of my men in my Guild and 5 in your Guild. I would like it if you agreed. So is it OK?" asked Terris to Makorav.

"Actually, yes. You can even pick them to take to Quona. After all there are the 10 mysterious people to investigate, 1 Aether Nano Ruby, 2 Celestial Magic Granting Rings, and something else to fight or face or whatever you want to call it. So go ahead and pick. I'll go on ahead and drink some root beer. But first...LAXUUUUUUUUS!COME HERE!"

"Yes, old man. What do you need?" 

" Get me 3 barrels full of root beer." said Makorav casually.

"W-WHAT! IS THAT ALL YOU WANTED OLD MAN! By the way who is this runt?"

"MY NAME IS TERRIS, THUNDER BOY!" yelled Terris angrily, about to punch Laxus.

"STOP! NOW GET ME SOME ROOT BEER,LAXUS!"Yelled Makorav growing to his big form.

Terris and Laxus both shrank away.  "Yes sir." squeaked Laxus, running to the kitchen.

"Good. Now go pick your people." said Makorav.

"Sure. OK, Mr. Makorav." responded Terris, walking to the Guild Hall.

Well,Well,Well, Fans and Followers. How do you like the suspense? Comment and follow please. Hope y'all like it. Oh yeah! Listen to the video/song please! See all of y'all later!

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