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**and now a pov Min's**
Well, I was right. Everyone is all over Taehyung. This is fine. I am fine. I am great. This...this is....fan-frickin-tastic. They whole cheer squad is literally surrounding him. I can't even see him anymore. Oh well he'll catch up. I walk to my locker as he deals with those snatches trading out for the book I needed putting them in my bag and putting everything else in the locker. As soon as I turn around the school play boy is right behind me. I roll my eyes taking a deep, annoyed breath. "What do you want jimin?" I will admit this boy, god damn he was foooooiiiiine. But he's also slept with every girl in the school. Except one... "hey baby. How's my girl doing" I scoff at his false words. Caught in a lie much? "I'm not your girl. So don't call me that. And I'm great." I begin to walk away and he just follows. I sigh rolling my eyes. "Why are you following me?" "Because" "Because why Ji" "I dunno. Hey you called me Ji!!" "Because I'm sick of always saying Jimin" "oh" He really isn't a bad person. In fact before me, he was Taehyung best friend. He's pretty nice and sweet. I don't even know if it's actually true about the girls he's been with or they just want to seem cool for being with him. I've only really seen him date on girl before trying to get with me. "Why don't you get a girlfriend so you can stop following me like a puppy" "What if I wanna be your puppy?" "Okay that was weird" I laugh a bit turning around to face him. His cheeks are a light pink as he rubs the back of his neck smiling awkwardly. "Ha...yeah sorry..that was a little weird wasn't it ?" I just smile softly at him. As I said before. He's fine. But it's weird, he can go from unbelievably hot to adorable little Mochi in seconds and I'm pretty sure he's aware of his power. Maybe I'm too hard on him. Maybe he could be a good friend....

**taehyung pov**
Oh my Lordy all these girls gone suff-o-cate me. Someone help. Oh Min can help!! Wait no..she's going to the locker. Agh...slowly... dying... wait I got this. "Ladies, ladies...I love one girl and one girl only and you all know that, now please leave me be." I smiled softly at them trying to seem less harsh. They all sighed and nodded and huffed off to their lockers. I brushed myself off looking in the direction of our lockers. I see M talking to ....oh. I wonder why she tolerates him. I mean. He's fairly nice. And...I never really told her why we stopped being friends...I guess if he were to enter my life again, I guess we would both have to deal with it. We both messed up. I take a deep breath and walk up to Minty and him. I flash her my smile that she says she adores and her eyes instantly sparkle and she smiles back. Wow I love this girl. Jimin instantly looks down when I walk up. "T you know Ji of coarse" I just nod not really give much more than a nod. He stuffs his hands in his pocket still looking down. "I'm gonna go now. By Min it was nice talking to you for a little" She gives him a soft smile as he walks off. Man she looks stunning today. I mean. She's stunning everyday but today like no other. I can't wait to watch her cheer today. She's really good at it so it'll be a treat. Especially knowing I'm the one taking her home not any of these other play boys. Although, she can never know about my true feelings for her. She would hate me for eternity. I wouldn't be able to bare that. That's too much. She won't ever feel that same way. She never will.

**back to min**
This boy is going to be the death of me. He's so dang attractive it's crazy. But he'll never know what I truly think of him. We talk a little bit. He inquired about what jimin and I were talking about of coarse I told him he just rolled his eyes. We get into class and everyone stares at us as we sit at our usual lab table together. I'm just then hit with the fact that I'm extremely turned from studying all night for the AP exam we had next period. We aren't doing anything in bio so I decide to lay against T to try and rest. "Sleep beauty" my cheeks tint red as I close my eyes. Easily relaxing to the point of dozing off. Man. I love this boy.

**taes pov**
I knew she should've slept in this morning. I saw her asleep with all her AP exam study notes and books. Put her in bed put everything away. "Sleep beauty" get it? Sleeping beauty ...no ? No? Oh okay just me. Her cheek turn that adorable pink as she falls asleep. I rest my head on hers. Man. I love this girl.

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