Running into trouble

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August is the regular boy. August was assigned to a transfer student. Also might be the popular good boy!! Her name was Auburn Mickenly she was the regular invisible good girl that no one payed attention too. Or so she thought!! Mason was a typical bad boy. He's a player and more. But will he fall in love??

"I guess I'm the transfers sponsor what's her name again... oh Anna, no that's my ex ummm... auburn, Auburn that's her name" August said to him self as he was going to go pick up Auburn at the national airport of L.A.

Auburn was just getting off the phone with her mom saying "I've landed safely in L.A I'll call you when I get to umm... August's house" she said unsure of what her sponsors name was. I can't go back to London, to much pain was there. "Hey, are you Auburn? I'm August!"
I turn around with a smile on my plain tinted white smooth skin " Yes! Hi I am Auburn, and i think you maybe August" I put a little sarcasticness on his name, cause I wanted to! " yes I'm August nice to meet you"

—Time skipped to the first day of her senior year of high school!—
" Are you ready?" He said with complete confidence. Well he should he's been going to to this high school for four years now! Well almost for years, "Ya, I guess so? Ya I'm so nervous but I still have to go! Right?" I stated, "Right" he also stated. "Okay let's go, now or never!" I said to him with some confidence. I grabbed my stuff, and made sure I had everything before we left! "Okay so backpack, Check! 8 folders? Check!, 2 binders? Check!, lunch money and phone? Check! School schedule and locker combo, check!! I think I'm good!" I said then we left in his car. I mean it was nice but it wasn't new or anything, but i wasn't expecting anything special either!

We walked in school, me half know where I was going because I had my first two classes with August. He sat down and August yelled across the room "Heya! Come sit next to me!" But I don't think I could because he was surrounded by swanning girls "umm... okay?" I said trying to walk through but they sorta moved out the way like I was the popular girl but I was new, I didn't get it! "Why her" a girl yelled. "eww" another yelled. They kinda just kept say that over and over! Until I sat down and now they were just staring. Class started and it was boring, cause I mean it was math!

Next class was science I loved science. They basically had us pick partners! I chose of course August because he asked!

Next class was lunch! I sat under a tree, because I hate those seats in the lunch room so I alway set outside if I was aloud! And if I wasn't i would just go out and eat which was usually was aloud at my other schools.

To be continued will they meet!!!! Or will they not??? Who knows?!?! See ya later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍🖤

536 words😘

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