The Party

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  • Dedicated to Ava, who gave me insperation for this book.

This is the sequal to my other book 'The Secret Bite' You might as well read it first because it makes more sense.... but in the other book its about another girl, and in this book they meet... so youll understand soon. Lol :)


Have you ever wished something was real? Well if you read all those lovey dovey books I bet you would. When you here about vampires and werewolves who get married to beautiful young girls and they fall instantly in love with them, that’s just because they don’t show what happens before that. Well i shouldent be rude about that, because that’s what happened to me, It all started on my 16th birthday.




My names Alexis Parish, I have a big imagination. I think about vampires, werewolves, zombies, fairies, you name it. It’s my 16th birthday today but I’m so kid like, my sister tells her friends I’m 11.

They never believe her though, my sister’s name is Mackenzie she’s almost 20 and still hasn’t moved out yet.

 I looked through my purse as I heard movement out in the woods and found the keys to the house; I jammed it into the key hole. I ran in and slammed the door shut thinking of what could have made the noise, I turned around and jumped “SURPRISE!” everyone screamed at me. I hate surprise parties! I smiled and dropped my purse on the footstool “Thanks guys!” I yelled trying to sound as happy as I could manage. They all were staring at me waiting for something, Oh great I think they’re going to do the birthday cake.

That’s when the lights shut off and I was sat on the black leather couch, a bright light shun across the room “Happy birthday too you, happy birthday too you, happy birthday to Alexis, happy birthday to you!” everyone sang. I felt heat creeping up my cheeks, when the lights turned back on everyone was throwing presents at me. I opened each of the presents and got, books, shirts, ugly sneakers, and cheap makeup that actually looked pretty good. The last gift was handed to me, it was wrapped in red paper and the bow was a beautiful gold.

I didn’t want to rip this paper; so I slowly opened it and put the bow around my wrist then I found a small black box inside, I slid the box open and gasped. There lying inside was a rose shaped diamond on a gold chain, it was real I could tell how the light reflected off of it in rainbow beams. I unclasped it and lifted it up for everyone to see, they all gasped in admiration.

Who would have the money to get me this? I put it around my neck and clasped it shut, I feel like royalty now. With this gift, it’s perfect! I looked up at the guests talking to each other and smiling. I looked around the room and spotted someone about my age, he had black hair, brown eyes, everything was perfect on him, and he was also wearing a black tux. My eyes gazed to the right and I saw a girl with her arm hook through his, she had blonde hair, a silky blue dress, and had brown eyes too.

That had to be them, they look rich and I don’t know them. I walked up to them “Hey,” I said not being polite to their conversation with my father. He looked at me “Hello.” He said politely, I coughed and smiled “I wanted to know if you gave me this gift?” I asked pointing to the necklace on me. He nodded “My father made it, do you like it?” he asked with a hopeful expression, I nodded “You’re so beautiful,” I said gazing into his eyes “I mean it’s so beautiful!” I corrected myself feeling heat come to my face. He is so handsome; I don’t even know him “Has your mother ever told you not to stare.” The girl he was with said rudely. I glared at her “Yes, it will be easy to look away from you.” I said with no emotion, she gasped and ran out of the room. I looked at the stranger “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to get her upset.” I lied to be polite. He laughed “Nah, she’s my sister Morgan. She’s always rude I wanted her to leave anyway.” he answered, I nodded “My names Alexis” I said shaking his strong hand. I traced the necklace on my neck “So, why you here?” I asked.

He smiled “I know your father, he said we could come.” He said while pointing towards my father. I smiled “I want to show you something.” I said grabbing his hand and bringing him upstairs towards my room, we walked into my purple room and walked towards my jewelry box “I have something like this necklace, did your father make it?” I asked handing him another necklace shaped like a heart made of diamond that was slightly red.

He nodded and put it back in the box, I sat on my bed and he did to. That’s when my imagination came to me like what if he was a vampire, that’s when I felt his hands brush away strands of hair away from my neck. I was frozen to the spot, what was he doing! Did my thoughts come true or something? I wanted to test my theory; I threw my head back exposing my neck, one hand went under my stomache and the other holding my pale neck. He looked into my eyes and then sank his teeth into the side of my neck, it burned but then it started feeling good, I was calm and loose.

He laid me back down and I felt dizzy, he cut his wrist and put it up to my mouth. A stream of blood went into my mouth, it tasted warm and coppery. He looked into my eyes “You don’t remember anything except that after the party you went to sleep.” He whispered to me, I nodded. This isn’t like in the books I read! He brushed the strands out of my face and kissed my cheek, then left the room shutting the door behind him. Enveloping my into darkness.


Hope you liked it!





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