The Call

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     Jon Jafari: A man of many screams. Markiplier: A man of many laughs. The two childish men had always been great friends, but Mark had found him thinking they might have been more than that, hoping that just maybe Jon felt the same way, he highly doubted it though, with Jon being straight and all.

     But still, Mark tended to think of Jon a lot. The way he struted places, how he said "ech" all the time, how adorable he and Jacques were, how he held his gaming controllers. He wanted Jon to hold him close to his chest like he did with his controllers. Mark wanted Jon so badly, but he kept his cool around him as best he could. He had to tell him at one point, but he didn't want to ruin what they had, their chemistry.

     The phone rang once, twice, three times before Jon answered.

     "Y'ello?" Jon's voice sounded concentrated, almost as if he was playing a game (He was). The phone rested firmly between his shoulder and ear. The sound of button mashing could be heard on Jon's line.

     "Hey, it's me," Mark answered in a confident voice, as usual, but was actually biting his nail down to the skin, nervous when he heard Jon's clashing fingers against his controller. Was he interrupting him? "Are you busy at the moment?" He asked, wanting to make sure that he wasn't being a crook in the neck. Once again, he was worried about ruining their 'relationship'.

     "Nah, recording some gameplay for the next video," Jon replied, sounding slightly irritated. "What's up?" He paused the game and stopped his capture card, feeling bad for just playing a game while talking to his friend. The problem was though, Jon didn't really wanna call Mark a friend either. He didn't really figure that they could do that sort of thing though, considering he lived in New York and Mark lived in California. He wasn't good with long distance relationships. And plus, he was a dude. Dude, that's not a really good thing for me. I mean, I guess it could be. Ugh, I don't know. The thought of dating Mark...Jon thought to himself and completely ignored his 'friend' on the phone.

     "Jon, you there?" Mark inquired, afraid he'd scared him off with his idea.

     Jon got his train of thought back on track at the sound of Mark's voice. "Uh, wh-what'd you jus' say? Sorry, I was just, um, ordering some pizza," Jon tried to make an excuse but acted as a plane crashing into an empty field of nothing.

     "Aren't you on the phone with me, Mister? Oh, my god. You've got a boy there, don't you?" Mark laughed hysterically at his own joke.

     "N-no!" Jon's face quickly turned red for some reason. Maybe he'd thought of Mark being the boy. He wanted Mark to be the boy.

     "I'm just kiddin' with you, Jon," He chuckled once more before getting back on topic. "Anyways, I'm gonna be in town next week, so I was wonderin' if you, maybe, wanted to..." Goddammit, telling him was much easier when Mark knew Jon wasn't listening.

     Jon's face grew hotter. He wanted to answer for him so badly. So he did. "You wanna hang out at my place? You can crash here, if you don't have a place to stay at, of course."

     Thank God Jon has a way with words. "Y-yeah, Jon! That'd be great! Thanks for the offer. I'd be happy to crash at your place," He processed what he just said. He wanted to just repeat it in a better way. Like, 'You don't have to though, dude,' instead of 'I'd be happy to crash at your place,' Does he think I'm flirting? Oh shit. Mark thought long and hard before realizing he'd been doing the same thing Jon had a few seconds ago.

     It's a good thing he got a hold of his ears so he could hear Jon again before he hung up. "Sounds great! We'll go over the details tomorrow, Mark."

     "Until then!" Mark replied, his voice more cheerful than usual, and then a buzzing noise interrupted his farewell.

     Jon looked at the picture of Mark that he had saved in his contacts. It was the last time they met at PAX East. They'd just got done with the Friend Zone panel. Mark wore his animal costume, mouth wide open, double chins showed clearly. Jon wore his owl costume, Polaris mug in hand, eyes looking away from the camera. He laughed softly to himself. Mark made him laugh all the time. He couldn't wait until next week.

     Mark looked through his first text messages with Jon. It started off with Mark being all cool about texting Jon, but he soon fangirled way too much. Caps. Caps everywhere. His large fingers started to type.

     "When I believe in my ability to do something, there is no such word as no," Sent. He had read the book World War Z and had absolutely loved it. He utterly hated the ending at the same time though. He had quoted almost all the lines he could think of from the book and sent them to Jon. A grimace painted itself on Mark's face.

     His phone vibrated. "are you seriously quoting that fucking book again" Mark laughed a hearty laugh and made his way to his bed, snuggling under the covers, thinking of you-know-who.

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