59- Eggliza!

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Chapter 59- EGGLIZA

OH MY GOD ONE OF MY FRIENDS POSTED THIS THING AND IT IS FABULOUS. It is a Hamilton thing, and I died from laughing soooo hard!d




It is her art book, and it is the German word title. 


Also, again, any ideas for the halloween chapter will be greatly appreciated :-)

Also, I am probably not going to write any love triangles in this book, because I think the love triangle cliche was good, until it was overused.

Also, I am sorry that I am doing more than the usual 3 chapters for a ship for Pheacker. I just seem to not be able to got the plot of this one into 3, so it may take 4 or 5. Sorry!

Eliza's POV (I bet you were not expecting that!)

I open my eyes, to George opening m y apartment door. He beckons me to the door so that my sisters won't wake up and the look in his eyes say that something is wrong.

He looks worried, like he is going to tell me something. He never tells me anything. I mean, he is a great guy, but I need to break up with him. Our relationship hanging by a string. I should probably do that today, especially with Maria starting to become more important to me.

I pull myself onto bed, and smooth out the blue tank top and shorts that I wear to bed regularly. I mouth to him that I will be out in a minute, and he slips out of the door. He moves almost like a cat. Careful and certain, and though he steps lightly, you can tell that he has a power to him. I really like him, he is one of my best friends, but I just don't this of him (or any guy for that matter) like that.

I slip out of the door as I see Angelica stirr a little bit. I hope that she doesn't wake up. She hates George. Like, really hates him. She thinks that he is good for nothing. She is wrong.

I walk out to the end of the hallway where George is standing on top of a heater, looking out a small window. He is always like that, he doesn't just sit like normal people. He is always looking at something, thinking about something.

I walk over to him, and he hears me. He steps lightly off of the heater and lands with barely a thud.

"Hey," He mutters.

I walk up to him and sit down on the heater, and he sits next to me. We sit in silence for a minute, until we both turn to each other.

Eacker's POV

I turn to Eliza, just as she turns to me and opens her mouth. We are both about to speak, when we stop, flustered.

I say, "you go first."

She responds, still blushing, with, "no. You."

Suddenly, we are both laughing at how surreal this is. After a few seconds of laughing we are both on the floor, clutching our stomachs. This is the first time that we have had a real laugh with each other, and we are about to break up.....

Suddenly, I sadden, and go back to sitting on the heater. I can't be making good memories now. I hope that we can still be friends, because she is amazing, but, well.......

Eggliza's POV (That is for @MakeItEvenGayer . Sorry. Really stupid inside joke.)

Suddenly George stops, and gets up. After a few seconds, I join him, and he turns to be again.

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