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"Okay guys, any ideas" Kit said looking her clueless partners. "At all?" She asked. Everyone was silent. "Okay, everyone who sings, write q song. Everyone that dances, make a dance. We'll mix them up in two days. Go" everyone went to work. Beckett was a bit distracted though. His dad had gone to visit him and both of his parent had a fight, nothing too bad but that didn't really matter. The screams he heard from his room where enough to tell him that just like before, things wouldn't end up alright.
"So, V- Vanessa, what's your plan?" Alya asked. Vanessa * Truth, I can't stand the girl but I'm a professional and I think I can go through this* "Umm maybe you can write a song and I'll make up a dance" V said a bit angry but trying not to show it. "Cool, Umm I'll try to make something up and I'll show it to you by lunch" Alya said. V just nodded. Alya started playing her guitar and V started dancing but kept an eye on her.
"Hey!" Skye said running into Sasha's arms. Sasha hugged her gently trying not to make a scene in front of C. Carly just looked down a bit and played with her necklace. "Umm So Whats the problem?" Sasha asked shyly. "Umm we need to teach Aiden to dance" Skye said. "But I'm horrible at it" Aiden cut in. "Ohh" Sasha said still a bit shy. "Okay so I'm trying to teach him but I need to watch someone so I'll show you the dance and you can dance with C" Skye said. Both C and Sasha looked down but Skye was too busy to actually notice. "Okay let's do this" Skye said. Sasha and Carly looked at each other but C quickly turned away.
"Let's hear it" V said. It was a bit rude but Alya didn't even care at that point. "Okay" She said. She played some botes and started singing, "Ohh What lovely girl she was, cleaning after everyone. It wasn't even a drop of blood they shared but this wasn't her choice. Ohh life, what a mystery you are, ohh life, oh just tell me whyyyyy". V stood there impressed. "Cool" She said. It was still good for Alya, baby steps.
It had been a long hour of sharing looks and looking down but it was finally over. Skye and Aiden stepped out and just before Carly cold too, Sasha grabbed her arm. "What?" C asked. "You know what" Sasha said. She looked down. "Look I'm sorry but" Sasha said but C cut him off, "Look, I don't wanna talk about it. I don't wanna talk to you. So, don't make me" C said. She pulled her arm back and left. Sasha just stood there in shock.

Sorry It's been so long since my last update but I'll try to update on Sunday too.

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