Chapter 1

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*Tyler's P.O.V.*

I told my parents I'm gay. I thought they were going to be okay with it. But no. They beat me and say im worthless. And I want to leave for as long as... Forever. I hate them so much. I live in the basement and have to go through hell as soon as I leave for school. Meaning they dont do anything but slap and hurt me. I dont do anything but live.

Why do i live?

*Craig's P.O.V.*

I've told my parents that I am gay. I thought they would be like in the movies and okay with and underst-anding. Turns out they hate me so much they locked me in the basement so i get nothing and in the morning. They get forced to let me out. Or else k wont go to school and be with my only friends. They are the only reason i am still alive.


Im so sorry this is short i did this all in my head in about 2 minutes and finished it in 2 minutes. Im sorry that i dont update my stories and dont do much. But i try. Also love you guys. 200 words!

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