le début

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Elle était belle et intrépide.

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind"

 "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

France 1345,

The first time he saw her, he was bewildered....how had he never seen her before? She was timidly walking around the table pouring each gathered party a glass of wine. He had watched as her hands shaked with nervousness...or was it fear? He had noticed how each step she took was wobbly and he had feared the poor girl would trip and fall at any minute. She didn't speak or look directly at anybody seated at the table, she only ever looked down at her task. This had made it hard for him to get a good look at the girls face, which didn't stop his burning stare. He wasn't the only one staring of course, the girls' presence had brought an abrupt silence to occur throughout the table. He'd seen how the 'man' of the house Bastien looked at the girl with a particular look in his eye, one he knew all too well 'lust', his wife Heloise no better grimaced at the girl. He could see that the girl appeared to shake even more as she neared the couple and could hear her heart just about ready to beat out of her chest, for a second he pitied the unknown girl.


She had noticed the stares, she wasn't oblivious. She could feel his burning stare with every step she took, yet she never dared to look at him or anybody. She was a nervous wreck, it wasn't like she didn't know who was staring at her. She didn't feel curious to look up, she had already noticed him on the first day he arrived 3 weeks ago with his siblings. Her hands shook as she 'walked' around the table, barely able to breath. The silence that's surrounded them hadn't made the situation any better especially when she knew it was the sight of her that had caused it. But why? She knew she wasn't anything special to stop and stare at. Perhaps it was the fact that she believed she was so 'ugly' everyone just had to stop what they were doing. Of course that wasn't the reason at all and even she knew it. She took a quick glance up, realizing she was now on to her last glasses the fill her 'Owners' and him. Of course they weren't her actual owners she could leave at will, but then what? She'd have nothing. Her heart picked up speed she could practically feel Bastien undressing her with his eyes and could smell the hate and disgust radiating off Heloise. She poured their glasses quickly but not fast enough as she felt Bastiens' hand caress her thigh through her skirts. She had jerked a bit causing the red substance to spill out and onto her. He had removed his hand as fast as he'd put it their to the sound of a scraping chair. 'Dammit child! it seems as if you could never do anything correct, leave! Return to your chambers, I have no reason for you till' morning.' Heloises' outburst had startled her and half the table yet she was not bothered and used to the harsh words. Nodding her head she weakly mumbled 'I am so sorry, please forgive me Mistress Clouthier."As she rounder the corner on her way to her Quarters', she had stopped to release a breath of relief, grateful the 'woman' of the house hadn't seen the inappropriate action her husband had placed on her maid.

Ophelia -/N.Mحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن