GRR.. The pain

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So it's been about a month and let's say there have been many fights but anyway I'm in pain.

Grrrr....Mother Nature must hate me because this cramping pain hurts like hell. so her I lay on the couch in the weirdest position. and my name is called. "IRIS get your sexy... fine mom...little butt down here." I heard Mason yell.

"Ugh do you not know how much pain I'm in right now?" I yelled, dickhead doesn't understand that when mother nature hits you are very hormonal,

and Dont wanna be toyed with. I sighed and moved from where I was trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen and rudely asked "what."

"Hi." he said smiling innocently. "hey rainbow." lily said using the nickname she gave me. I waved and was about to walk out "iris in this family we all pitch in with dinner so won't you help, here slice the carrots." Erica said nicely with a sympathetic smile. I grabbed the carrots and the knife and a cutting board then quickly and and violently chopped the carrots. but, being me not so graceful I cut my finger "fuddgenuggets.!"

There wasn't that much blood but enough to that would make you look away but I was used to it because... well that a another story for another time.

"What happened?" Eric asked worried,trying to hold my finger."i was cutting the carrots and the knife slipped and it cut my finger." I explained. Erica fetched the first aid kit and patched me up. "go sit down hun." Erica said pushing me towards the couch.

Stubbling towards it, a arms tugged me to the right scarring the shit out of me.a huge hand came over my mouth. it was mason "you okay?" he asked "yeah not like you care." I said throwing back my shoulders to get out of his grasp. and layed on the couch and thought 'cause I haven't bleed enough today'

There was a deep in the couch next to me, looking to the side I saw mason sitting on the couch,focus in thought.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Thinking" he replied back.

"Oh, so that the burning tire smell." I said smirking. he just nodded and stared blankly at the tv.i started poking his cheek.

"Hey,hey,hey,hey,hey guess what,guess what,wha-" I was interrupted by mason glaring at me.

"What." he growled lowly, 'it sounded sexy, the fuck did I just think.'

"That my growl was sexy." he said smirk.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked looking at him with wide eyes, he nodded

"oh fudgenuggets, Hello Iris stop thinking aloud....and talking to yourself that really weird." I continued talking to myself, he looked at me like I was crazy, maybe.

"That's one if the reasons I was sent hear." I muttered, looking down at my lap in shame.

I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder "it's OK if you think your crazy then your perfectly sane which makes you crazy."

Liam said confusing me.

"The fuck."I looked at him like he was the crazy one,bitch please. " think about it." he said walking away. as everyone helped finish up dinner I drew on my finger and band-aid making it look like I was bleeding colors.

"So what are you now, rainbow veins." mason asked sarcastically, masons mom smacked him in the back of the head and whispered something in his ear, making him smirk.

"Hey,Iris you wanna know something?" he asked grinning at me, nodding my head.

'What's up with him?' The voice in side my head said, I call her rain, cause she's very colorful and she calls me rainbow.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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