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Jackson's POV

It was getting late in the evening and I could see Mark getting tired the later it got. He had changed out of his onesie and showered so he was now in a gray t-shirt and black joggers.

"I'm going to shower, you can go ahead and go to bed. I can sleep on the couch, so you take the bed." I said ruffling his damp hair.

"No.. you should take the bed!! Your back must hurt from the train.." Mark argued tiredly.

I rolled my eyes not fighting with him as I went to shower.

After my shower and I stopped in front of the mirror. I wasn't full of myself, but I was confident however I didn't get why Mark found me so out of this world.

He was beautiful himself, his skin was super clear and soft and his eyes always had a bright shine. His hair was always falling into his eyes in a cute and fluffy mess and his smile was so perfect it lit up my world.

I was fully aware that these thoughts weren't fully normal for friends, I knew our friendship was more than that with our subtle flirting and heart emojis but I really didn't mind it.

I really just liked Mark, and I wanted to see him get better and I was sure he could.

After leaving the bathroom I saw Mark asleep on the couch. He was sitting up but slouching over while his head bobbed forward.

I smiled at him and walked over and cooed at how soft and cuddly he looked. I draped his arms over me and gently lifted him up into my arms.

Once in my arms I carefully carried him to his bed and laid in down in it before covering him and tucking him in. I pecked his forehead before going and sleeping on the couch as planned.

I wouldn't mind sharing a bed and maybe cuddling with him but I didn't know how secure he'd feel with himself in that situation.

So instead I went to the bed on the couch and was excited for the next day.

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