The Transfers-Chapter 2

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Ginny's POV

Today was the day I had been waiting for all summer holiday. The American transfers were coming! As mum and I got ready, I heard the doorbell ring. Before I could say or do anything, Fred and George ran towards the door with a bucket of water, prepared to splash the transfers. But when they opened the door and splashed the water, the transfers stepped aside and let the water hit the pavement. Wow! They were fast! "How did you do that?!" I asked in amazement. "We train for agility at our American school," a blonde said nonchalantly. 

Before I could say anything else, mum came by, saw the transfers, and smiled saying, "Come in! Come in! Are you tired? Hungry? Oh! You must be simply famished!" They look alarmed and looked at each other, as if having a silent conversation. Then a boy with jet black hair and green eyes stepped forward, thanked mum, telling her that they were alright, and walked into The Burrow. The rest visibly relaxed and came in one by one with their things. 

He must be the leader, I thought. There were nine of them, I noticed, and when I looked closely, even though they had all different hair, eye, and skin colors, they were all very muscular, even the girls, and they had an aura of power I had never seen, not even on Harry or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

 At this time, the Golden Trio came downstairs, and introduced themselves. "Harry Potter," Harry said in a stuck up tone. He had become very annoying, so I stopped liking him. I'm now dating Blaise Zabini, and I can say that I am much happier. "Ron Weasley," Ron had said, mimicking Harry. This is why Hermione dumped him for Pansy Parkinson, I thought.

 "I'm Hermione Granger," she said, sounding polite. She looked at me and I realized it was my turn. "Ginny Weasley," I said, not being a prat like Harry and Ron.

 The transfers began to introduce themselves. "Percy Jackson," said the leader. "Annabeth Jackson," said the blonde. Huh. Maybe they're step siblings, I thought. "Piper McLean." "Jason Grace." "Hazel Levesque." Frank Zhang." "Nico Di Angelo." "Leo Valdez." "Reyna Avila Ramírez Arellano."

 After the introductions, we started to chat a bit. Well actually, 'Mione and I talked. Ron and Harry acted as if they were more important than everyone. Prats.

 After talking, it was time for bed. The girls went with me and 'Mione, and the boys went with the prats, a.k.a. My brother and ex-crush. I hope the transfers did okay with those gits. 

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