SIX: The Realisation.

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"The Realisation!"

S I X"The Realisation!"

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"I need your help."

Sam and Dean jumped from Crowley's sudden appearance, and Dean narrowed his eyes at the man. Ever since Amara had oh-so-graciously burnt the crap out of the devil warding's throughout the entire bunker, Crowley had made several unannounced visits. Dean and Sam would have to fix that, and sooner rather than later. The eldest Winchester had kicked his feet up onto the table with his ankles crossed and was still nursing several tissues to his nose, and others that had been filled with blood had been discarded carelessly across the table. Sam was holding an ice-pack to his quickly swelling eye.

"If it's to do with your not-so-dead wife, yeah, we know." Dean grunted stiffly, tipping his head backwards to try and stop the flow of blood. Catriona had gotten him good – she had gotten them both good. Dean didn't appreciate it.

Crowley's features pulled down into a frown. "You've met her?"

Dean nodded. "You know, it took us a while to figure it out, but eventually we did. The sad last name, cheap accent, the whole resurrected from the dead thing!"

Crowley rolled his eyes, obviously not amused with the eldest Winchester's antics. "Yes, bravo, squirrel. You want a sticker?"

"Shut up, Crowley." Sam said hotly, finally acknowledging him. He took the ice pack off of his eye, revealing how swollen and purple it was, and scowled at the demon. "This is your fault."

Crowley let out an affronted scoff. "Excuse me? She must have hit you hard, because you're clearly out of your damn mind. I didn't even know what my mother had done until minutes ago!"

Sam and Dean exchanged a glance and, uncertainly, Sam muttered, "So you weren't aware of this, then?"

"No, you bumbling idiots!" Crowley snapped, sighing deeply and running a hand over his unshaven stubble. Lately, he had had more pressing matters than shaving. "Look, Rowena clearly resurrected her to get back at me for what happened to her precious Oscar." Crowley's words carried bitterness as he mentioned the boy that had managed to capture the heart of his mother.

"Well, I guess she failed then, huh?" Dean scorned, making a show of leaning further into his chair to showcase his nonchalance towards the demon. "Because you don't have feelings. You're just a sack of bones and black eyes and cheap cologne."

"Very funny." Crowley muttered, his jaw clenching. "Continuing on, I'll get to the reason I came to you two in the first place. I need your help."

"You want us to help you rescue Catriona?" Sam grunted, shaking his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe Crowley; the demon was always getting them into all sorts of trouble and then vanishing at the last second, refusing to get his hands dirty but always reappearing when it suited him. It was a never ending cycle that the Winchester brother's always fell for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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