Chapter 26

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"Hmm ... maybe you should put some clothes on..there's just to much temptation over there... all over there," Raul said making a motion with his hands that adequately outlined my shape. I yelped and ran for cover ignoring his stiffled groan over my actions. I could just imagine what my bouncing curves were doing to him but that could not be helped.

I ran down some steps to the nearest table and grabbed the cloth off it then draped it about my person sarong style. I Tucked in the loose ends into the crevice between my boobs and heards another groan just behind me. I jumped and spun around to face a glittering eyed and eager Raul.

"Woah! Cool it mister," I said quickly taking a step back that pressed me up against the table.

"Only a taste of you can assuage this," he pointed crudely to his raging hard on evident in the tent in his trousers.

"Not happening," I stated matter-of-factly. I am not a whore and no matter how tempting you look I won't succumb to your charms. What brings you here?"  I asked quickly hoping to divert his thoughts from where they were currently trained. He was a delicious morsel. Had it been a different circumstances ie one not laddened with the echoes of Jim-James departure or even grief from Luc's desertion, I might have pounced on him myself.

I watched his slow grin emerge and had to clench my stomach and fists to stay strong and not rip his clothes off and have my way with him. Breathing in his attractive scent was becoming more of a turn on the longer I stood in his presence.

"You are not as immune to me as you are trying to imply," he said before his eyes dropped meaningfully towards my pebbled breasts jutting at the stretched fabric of the table cloth. Damn table was a little short.

"If you'll excuse me I was on my way to have a shower when you trespassed in uninvited," I emphasised wanting him to know I hadn't been running about naked just for the fun of it... even if I sort of was. It had an oddly liberating feeling to it.

"Yes, I can see that you are all sweaty and in need of a good wash. Happy to offer a hand," he whispered wickedly. I pushed at his chest and moved around him. This was getting out of hand at every turn. I decided not to bother with a reply incase I offered the wrong one and simply moved away from him.

"If all you came here for was to chit chat we could do this later," I said moving to stand by the door.

"I'm  here looking for my sister. She has not been home since I last saw go off with your bother. It seemed she duped my chauffeur and took off. I was hoping she would be here," Raul said seriously.

"Oh my god! Luc hasn't been home either." I was by now frantic.

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