Chapter 36

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"Do we really have to get married?"

We were finally on our way. Very late but still eager to get there. Raul's insistent bout of love making to celebrate our pregnancy only served to make us later then we otherwise would be but naturally he chose to blame it in my for jumping him right after he jumped me. He claimed that second time had been unnecessary and it would have been better served if we had waited till after the dinner party.

Well if he thought he'd gotten out of an after dinner bang he could think again. I was so not letting him off the hook thus night. It was a night of celebrations and celebrate he will. I glanced down at his hand clenched tight over mine in my lap and I knew he was not ready to behave as a rational couple would. We were both still high in our love and then excitement of our pending child.

Raul whipped the car into the slot before the red carpet. Stepping out he tossed the keys at the approaching valet and then was by my side whipping the door open with a flourish.

I placed my hand in his palm and allowed him to tug me out and into his arms. We kissed ravenously again as if we couldn't get enough of each other before as one wrenching free we turned to head in. I was oblivious to the stares my crazy attire was attracting. It didn't seem to matter that I had on Raul's shirt and tie coupled with my red velvet stretch pants. It was the only thing that fit.

I thought his tie added a little sophistication but I could be wrong. It didn't really matter anyway I was just eager to set my eyes on Luc.

The place was a lit with chandeliers and then endless glitter of expensive jewellery.

I looked about ignoring the gaping looks directed at us as I searched frantically for Luc.

"Easy, baby. We'll find them," Raul murmured in my ear sending a shiver of awareness down my spine. I trembled as I clung to him. I didn't really know how or when it happened I only knew he was precious to me.


I swung around swiftly hearing the call of my own name.

"Jim... James," I said startled.

"Its good to see you here," he said running a casual eye down my attire. I beamed up at him unable to help myself. I felt just so happy. I had so much to tell and yet no one around to tell it to. I felt it all bubble up to spill over but Raul gripped my hand tighter and hauled me closer to him. His arm swept around me to wrap about my waist. It was a mark of ownership.

I would have fumed over this display at any other time but not now apparently. No I merely melted into his side with utter content.

"You're looking good," he said and I wasn't sure if he was joking... laughing at my expense. But Jim-James wasn't the mean sort but I didn't see how he could compliment my looks with the hot model thin stunner beside him.

"So are you," I beamed up at him amiably. I was happy to see him but I was impatient to find Luc. So I ignored the more frosty greeting between the two men as I strained up over my stillettos craning my neck over the crowd trying to catch a glimpse of Luc.

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