chapter 3 -🅱️ussy 🅱️oppimg

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I  get apone the look up of a long 3D cube  carrot. my toes curl up in joyess happieness. I awkwardly sit next to a testosterone.   He deeperly breatherd lust of daddy Shrek. You could tell because hid veins were turning the color of diarrhea.( Omfg this is gonna make me go to hell) after about 15 minutes we arrive at first class is health.
*The bell rings *"How the fuck am I already late " I say ruining toward the 400 building  * I run a corner...
" Fuck where you're going"
I hear a exotic voice  from above me  as I fall to the ground my binder falls and everything falls out.
" Oh I'm sorry " the stranger says I look up to say the hottest man I've ever layed my eyes on. He was wearing a  black jacket with a grey and black scarf along with skinny jeans and gucci  slides.
"...oh it's okay I should of been more careful..and..." he cuts me off
" I haven't see around before. Are you new?"he smirks and my heart melts
"Oh yeah today is my first day here , I was just trying to find the 400 hall"
" Oh that's over there "he point to the first building to the left" I'm gru by the way " he holds his hand out, I take it as I get up
" I'm lava gorl .ni.ce to meet ..youXD"
" Well I gotta go , here's my number text me and I'll 🅱️op your 🅱️ussy for you"
I blush as he hands me a pice of paper
"Thank you now I have to go" I run to my class and get seated there was one seat in the back left next to this snazy girl.She had long brown hair and was wearing a green shirt tucked  in  mom jeans.  Her binder was covered in picture of Chris Hemsworth. "I bet her room looks even worse "I say to myself.

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