Whos knows me best

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"Pressing in 3...2...1...were live!" I say pressing the camera and standing behind it smiling at my big brothers 

"How is it going today my names Jack Maynard and today I'm joined by My brother Conor andddd...."Jack says drum rolling

"Its me!" I shout coming in frame and sitting on the side of my bed

"My little sister Ella, say hi" Jack says laughing 

"Shalom" i say again with a weird accent

"So today we are doing the 'who knows me best' but instead of me asking the questions to Conor and Ella, I had Ella pick out questions to ask Conor and I" Jack says explaining to the camera 

"Ok are you guys ready!" Jack shouts  

"Ready!!" I shout back at him right in his face

"Alright first question! What is my favorite color?"

"ERG! MINT GREEN!" Conor shouts 

"Ew no" I responded with

Jack looks around my room "OI! light pink!" Jack says 

"Correct!" I say shaking my head at Conor 

"What do I spend most if my money on?"

"ERG! uhhhhh...its gelatin that you mix your lemons with" Conor says in a weird voice.

"Whot?" I say laughing

"OI! Make up!" Jack answers

"Ding ding mother fuc-" 

"Whats my star sign!" 



"LIBRA" Conor shouts

"NO! ITS ARIES!" Jack shouts back 

"Yeah Jack got it right" I say pointing at him

"What did I take for HP this year?"

"OI! History?" Jack responds 


"English Literature?" Jack responds with again

"Nope bye" I say to him as i wave and turn to Conor

"Maths!" Conor says and I highfive him

"What do i want to name my children-" i say but get cut of by Conor

"With James white" he says and smirks

"Anyone but the Whites" Jack says and smacks his head

"Back to the question! What do I want to name my children, when im older"

"Oi! Dorthy and cassandra"







"Nope" I say as I rest my head on Jacks shoulder 

"Henry and harry" 

"Thats two boys names!"





"Ella this is a shit question" Jack complains 

"Should I just tell you?" I say while looking at my phone

"Ok the girl will be called Isla Rose" I say smiling 

Ella [the fourth Maynard]Where stories live. Discover now