Part 1 - The Break Up

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A young lady is standing alone in an empty park, not even minding the cold rain drops pelting her shivering body over and over again. The ex-lover that stood before her could have given her the umbrella he was using to keep himself dry, as he was already wearing a rain jacket, and she was just wearing a summer dress. The thing is, she did not want to ask for warmth, or to be kept dry. She actually just wanted answers.

"I am breaking up with you, Alicia. I will not repeat myself again," Ian said in a cold voice. His dark, brown eyes stared right into hers fiercely, telling her that he did not care about her feelings right now. "I mean it."

A sharp hiccup came out. Alicia could barely catch her breathe. Fists were clenched as anger coursed through their veins. But, this anger was not meant for Ian, it was meant for herself. She did not understand what she did wrong yet, she felt as though she must have done something.

"Did I not love you enough?" were the first words she uttered out. "Even throughout all of the rough times..." she started to sob "...I made sure to keep you on top." She let out a sniffle, while wiping the tears from her eyes.

The man stood there, unsympathetic to how she was feeling right now. "I want to move on."

Alicia's legs were trembling, she wanted to fall to her knees, and breakdown. She did not want to be here. This park will now be remembered as a terrible place. Etched deep into her memories, this place will be known as hell; a place where she lost her first love.

"Please don't go...I need you," Alicia said through sobs.

"Don't be selfish." Ian grabbed her arm, pulled his tool close, and harshly whispered into her ear, "I don't need you anymore, you've outlived your usefulness to me. I'm moving on." He released her, and took a step back, giving her one last look before he begun to talk away.

"Wait!" Alicia screamed, begging for him not to go. She rushed to his arm, pulling on his heart, trying to change his mind. He pushed her aside, and she fell into a puddle of muddy water.

Alicia could not take the stress anymore, and was about to faint on the ground.

"Hey, hey now! No need to give up just yet. Let me pick you up."

You Broke MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora