Part 3 - Transformation

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The Dark Facade had plans for Ian, it was not just going to allow bygones to be bygones. No. It was going to pass on the pain. Problem was, it ended up passing the pain to others as well. People figured Alicia was just lashing out; they knew Ian was a terrible boyfriend.

A whole six months had passed by, and the Dark Facade had come up with a very deep, elaborate plan to torture Ian; or as it would like to say, "I am just giving him his own medicine." It made sure to study martial arts, wrestling, and boxing in order to confront Ian; not only that but, it learned about where he was living now, and how to use various different types of drugs.

Late one night, Alicia crept around Ian's apartment building, making sure that nobody was home. It climbed up a tree, went across a branch, and landed on the second floor balcony. Next, it brought out a lock pick to unlock a sliding glass door in order to get into Ian's apartment.

Once inside, Alicia slid the door back into place, walked around in the darkness, and turned on a light. It scanned the house, making sure that it fully knew the surroundings before going out to get the equipment in the van parked outside.

Alicia walked outside of the apartment, leaving the front door unlocked, and climbed down the steps to the empty front lobby. It left the apartment building, and jogged over to the family mini-van to grab the supplies it needed for tonight. By the time it came back inside Ian's apartment with all of the equipment, it realized that there was only an hour left set everything up.

Alicia walked to Ian's bedroom, ignoring the pictures of new girlfriends, and made sure to cover the entire room with plastic. Of course, it had to move around certain furniture, and put away certain objects. Afterwards, it placed a bag filled with various tools, and knives at the end of the bed. When it was finished decorating the house, Alicia's phone alarm went off, letting it know that Ian was coming soon. It casually walked back to living room, turning all the lights off, re-locking the front door, and hid in the darkness.

A completely oblivious Ian walked up to the front door, unlocked it casually, and meandered into his apartment. After turn on a light in the living room, he fell to the ground instantaneously with a syringe in his neck. He never saw it coming.

"Far too easy. I just wished the next part would be easy too," Alicia said, grabbing Ian's legs, and his unconscious body to his room. "I swear this bastard gained weight," it added, while breathing heavily.

Another hour had passed before Ian woke up, tied to a plastic-covered bed. "W-where am I?" he immediately asked, looking around the plastic-covered room confused.

"Home," Alicia simply answered.



Ian shook his head in disbelief. "Why am I tied up? What are you going to do to me?"

Alicia let out a harsh laugh that was not her own. "I just wanted some quality time with my ex-boyfriend," was the answer.

"Are you going to kill me?" Ian asked, his voice filled with fear, and anxiety.

Alicia shrugged. "I dunno."

"This is not funny!" Ian shouted.

"You know what isn't funny, darling? What you did to me for the past six years."

The Dark Facade no longer wanted to be in the driver's seat during this moment. Instead, it wanted the real Alicia to talk. It had nothing else to say, anyways.

"I always loved you, even though everyone told me it was a bad idea to fall for you. You see, when we found each other, I saw you in a broken place. I felt bad for you, and I knew that I had to save you from the suffering," Alicia began to say. Her voice was steady, no longer filled with trepidation like it used to be in the past whenever she tried to confront him.

"During the rough times, I made sure to hold you so dearly to my heart. Yet, I knew you didn't really care about me. I knew you were sleeping with other women in the middle of our relationship. Still, I claimed you so proud in front of everyone that thought wrong of you. I loved you Ian," she paused, knowing that Ian wanted to say something.

"So what? I don't fucking care. You were the fool, not me," Ian said in disgust.

Alicia bore longingly into his brown eyes, seeing only darkness but hoping for light. Such a thing did not exist in them. Yet, she still searched before it all ended.

"I still want you, Ian Summers. I want you to call out my name again. I miss-"

"Oh shut the fuck up!" Ian interrupted. "I don't give a shit about your sob story, cry me a river bitch!"

Alicia slowly walked over to Ian with a duct tape in hand. All throughout Ian's curses and ramblings, she whispered, "Just call out my name." Her eyes looked dead as she kept saying this, which freaked her ex-boyfriend a bit.

The duct tape silenced Ian but, still there so many words coming out.

"I'll make sure that no one else takes you away from me," she said walking over to the bag. By then, the Dark Facade knew that it no longer had to return to surface, it had awakened something dark within her. A wicked smile spread across it's face as it disappeared momentarily into the dark abyss within her heart. "I shall take your heart, so no one else can have it." She unzipped the bag, and reached inside for a knife.

"I will make sure that you never leave me again..."

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