Part 2 - Her Dark Facade

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Alicia is alone with a voice in her apartment. They are currently talking about past events in her life. Debating on whether or not Ian is a bad guy.

Dark Facade: You saw how he acted in front of you? You did nothing wrong yet, he pushed you to the ground. That's a horrible thing to do to a person who is in emotional pain.

Alicia: No, he can be good... I know he can be good!

Dark Facade: Are you just saying this because of a few happy memories? Or maybe it's for the sake of your first love? Perhaps it's because you feel you'll never find someone again... In my opinion, it's all of the above.

Alicia did not want to admit that it was right but, what could she possibly say in retort? She leaned back in the sofa, and looked up at the ceiling above, heaving out a sigh. Maybe she was wrong about Ian this whole time.

The Dark Facade swirled out of her mind; twisting and contorting around her body. A bewitching smile spread across it's shadowy face as it slid across the couch; it knew exactly what to say. The excitement died immediately, as it took a seat next to Alicia in a halcyon manner.

Dark Facade: I hope you know that I am on your side. I just have to tell you that Ian is not a good guy. He used to hit you all the time. Don't you remember that time when he blamed you for not doing well in work, and he slapped across the face.

Alicia: It was an accident. Plus, he didn't mean to do that...

Dark Facade: Just like he did not meant to give you that scar on your back? Or how about that one week when you had bruises up and down your arms.

Alicia: I...

Alicia started to weep for herself in that moment. The Dark Facade glided over, putting it's arm around her in a comforting manner. Her heart began to ache, pounding ever so quickly against her chest.

Dark Facade: That's right, let it out. I'm here for you. Just allow me to take over. I can handle it. I am the stronger half of you after all.

Alicia: Okay...

The Dark Facade took over Alicia's body that day. She went back into the far reaches over her subconscious self, and watched on from behind the scenes. Most previous feelings melted away from her body, and soon her mind became much stronger. Within the next few weeks, people thought of her as a completely different person.

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