Announcement? | May be deleted

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Okay, I never wanted to make a thing like this. Really, I never did but I don't want to leave you, my readers, in the dark.

I wanted to write and update a lot during my summer vacation before college starts but as you all noticed, I didn't. And there are multiple reasons why.

One reason was that I simply had periods where I felt really bad and depressed during break and while I tried to not let these bring me down, there was no point in trying to force me to be creative and write anyways. My head shut down and didn't want to be creative anymore.

That isn't the main reason though. The main reason may be ridiculous to some of you, but I'll be honest.

As most of you probably know, I'm more active on Instagram (@latmeoutofhere) than on here and I talk much more on there.

However, I spent a lot of time in the Hetalia fandom, roleplaying as APH Latvia but the problem is...the Hetalia fandom on Instagram is highly toxic.

Which means that I suffered a lot, only because I like a controversial ship. People have cyberbullied me and even told me to kill myself more than one time and I think you can all imagine that it didn't do anything good to my already damaged mental health. I even made a whole new account, just because I was and still am hoping that those people who bullied me so much won't find my new account and will stop to send me anonymous hate messages on my Tellonym.

But not only that. I gladly didn't receive any hate regarding this fanfiction. At least not yet. But all that hate, all that cyberbullying and suicide baiting made me afraid. Afraid od continuing this fic because people might start to bully me again, people might start to send me anonymous hate messages again, people might start to tell me to kill myself again.

To some of you this may sound like a ridiculous reason, but this is the truth and like I said, I want to be honest with you guys.

I really tried to write and give you guys a third chapter, which you deserve after such a long while. But I simply couldn't. Whenever I sat down and tried to write this fear came back and was flying around my thoughts and wouldn't leave me alone. My own fear practically terrorized me whenever I tried to write for y'all.

BUT this doesn't mean that this fic will never be finished. This will be on hold for a while, so that I can focus on some independent fiction which has nothing to do with any fandom.
So if you came for my writing, please stay! I will upload my other works at some point and if you simply enjoy my writing then I'm sure that you will enjoy those as well.

And just this morning I received a very nice comment. Sadly, I forgot your name but thank you for your comment, it was really nice to read. ♡
And to everybody else patiently waiting and liking this fanfiction, I'm glad you do and I'm really sorry for putting this story on hold for now.

Thank you all for reading and hearing me out. I hope the next time you read my word is because I updated this fanfiction and not an announcement like this.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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