The Big Question

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After free time Sarah wrung the bell and everyone dashed to the top of the hill. We had to wait for everyone to get up there before we left for lunch.

Once everyone was at the top of the hill Sarah said, "Ok you guys can go to the dining room now!"

Everybody runs inside the dining place. Inside their was round wooden tables and to the left there was open space with no tables.

Tason grabbed my arm and said, "Let's sit over there."

We sat down at one of the tables that was further away from the kitchen. We sat down next to each other and a couple of my other friends followed such as Jamie, Jaylee, and Kendel.

Jaylee and Kendel were sisters. Kendel was 12 and Jaylee was 10.

"Alright everybody! The neatest table goes first!" she starts calling off tables till she gets to ours.

We get up and walk to the line. I find myself standing behind Jashia. She turns around and says, "Hey, you're suppose to hang out with US too... remember?"

"I'll hang out with you guys later." I tell her.

"Ok whatever." she sighs in unbelief.

After we get through the line, I sit down at my seat and Tason is already sitting down.

I look over to the table where Jashia, Barry, and Jeremiah are sitting. I see Barry starring at me and Tason again. 'Is he jealous?' I'm thinking.

Tason interrupts my thoughts by saying,"My brother keeps on talking about you and me, like when I'm at my house he will mess around with me and mock me for liking you."

"You like me?" I ask him.

"Ummmmm...yeah." he says shyly. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure." I reply with a blank face. On the inside I was freaking out but on the outside I was holding myself together.

"Will you ummm... be my girlfriend?"

"... Yeah." I respond smiling.

For a couple seconds we just sit there smiling at each other...AGAIN!!

We talked a little longer till Sarah says, "The girls will be going swimming first today."

"Yes!" I hear girls saying around me.

"And for the boys" Sarah continues, "You will clean the cafeteria and then go to activities."which made the boys groan.

"Alright girls you may go get ready and into your bathing suits!"

All the girls swarmed out of the cafeteria and out to there cabins to change.

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