Fighting On The Boat

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"Everybody up girls! Breakfast is in 20 minutes!" My mom yelled to all the girls in the cabin.

"Ughhhhh." Everyone groaned.

I got my clothes on and brushed my teeth. After that, I straightened my hair and went outside to play some teather ball.

"I'm sorry about last night Loran." Jashia says walking up to me. "It's just that I don't think I can trust Tason yet."

"How come?" I ask her.

"I don't know... I guess he will have to prove himself. Sorry if I'm being overprotected, I'm just trying to look out for you. Ok?" She explains.


DING DONG DING DONG!? the camp bell rings. Everyone goes inside for breakfast. Me and Tason try sitting at my friends table again.

"Hey guys." He says to everyone.

"Hi" They all say back.

"I know there was some tension yesterday at dinner but I'm willing to start over if you guys are willing to."

"Sure." Jashia says answering for all of them.

Then that's when Sarah starts calling off tables again.

When breakfast is over everyone goes down to the lake for boating, canoeing, and fishing.

"Loran!" Jashia calls out to me. "Will you go in a boat with me and Jeremiah?" She asks me.

"Ummmmm." I say looking at Tason.

"That's fine." Tason says.

"Sure!" I tell Jashia.

I run over to get a boat with Jeremiah and Jashia.

Jeremiah picks it up and puts it at the edge of the shore. "Get in guys." He says.

Me and Jashia climb into the boat.

"Who's rowing?" I ask them.

"I am if that's ok with you, Jashia." Jeremiah replies.

"Yeah that's fine." Jashia says to him.

Jeremiah pushes the boat a little bit and jumps in.

As we settle at about the middle of the lake I look at the shore and see Barry and his mom, Sarah, arguing. The next thing I know I see Barry... and Tason.... in a boat together!!

I start laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?" Jeremiah asks me.

"Tason and Barry are on a boat together." I start laughing again.

"Seriously!?" Jeremiah says as he starts to laugh. "I gotta see this. " He looks at the shore and sees them about to get on the water.

Jashia starts to laugh too. "They won't last five minutes I bet." She says.

"Yeah, probably less than a minute." I say.

A couple minutes passed as we just stayed in the middle of the lake enjoying the nice breeze in the hot summer heat.

"Look it, they're already fighting." I say to Jeremiah and Jashia as I point to Barry and Tason who are arguing.

Next thing I know Ramen calls my name from another boat.

"Loran!" He says.

"What?" I ask him.

"Barry and Tason are fighting over you on the boat over there." He tells me.

"What?! Barry?!" I ask confused.

"Yeah, they're fighting over you."

"What did they say?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. I just heard Barry say that Tason and you shouldnt be together and that Barry has known you longer. He was yelling. Tason said something about loving you but that's all I heard."

"Oh... that's weird." I say.

"JUST STOP DUDE!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO ROW!! WE ARE STUCK MAN!!" I hear Tason yelling at Barry from across the lake.

"Yikes." Ramen says. "I better go see what's going on." he says.

"Ok." I reply.

"What is wrong with them?" I say to Jeremiah and Jashia.

"Ya know." Jeremiah begins. "I wasn't gonna say this to you, but I think Barry's jealous of Tason."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him.

"I think he kind of likes you." He says quietly.

I start to laugh. "Your funny." I tell Jeremiah.

"No I'm serious." he says with a straight face.

"Never in a million years would Barry like me. We are just friends." I tell him.

"Think whatever you want." He tells me.

"Ok, whatever." I tell him still kind of laughing.

"EVERYBODY BACK TO THE SHORE!" Sarah yells across the lake.

Jeremiah rows us back to shore where I see Tason waiting for me.

"Hey." He says smoothly glaring at Barry.

"What happened with you and Barry on the boat?" I ask immediately.

"Nothing. The important thing is that me and him are off the boat and we aren't fighting...for now."

"Oh." I say as a long silence comes between us.

"Loran!" Jashia says.

"What?"I ask her.

"Jeremiah just gave me a note and I want you to come read it with me in the cabin, come on!" she says pulling me away from Tason.

I look back at Tason and wave as Jashia drags me up the steps.

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