A New Day

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Melanie's pov

I had to i just had to , ugh , I really dont wanna go to this new school , school always sucks everyone is the same so fucking judgemental and just not understanding.

No one gives a shit although everyone says they do everyone talks shit behind everyone's back. Ugh, I would love to be homeschooled but life at home isn't that much better. I'm abused when I wake up in the morning if I don't do what my asshole father wants i get my ass beat.

Life is so fucking worthless I never understood why people were this way but it never fucking matters right.

"Melanie get your ass up and get ready for school!"

"Ugh...ok dad"

I got up and began to get my worthless ass ready.

*20 minutes later*

As soon so as I got ready I walked outside to the bus stop and waited for the dreadful hell mobile to come rolling down the road.

As soon as the Twinkie on wheels round the corner i let out a sigh and got on the stupid ass thing.

I took the seat furtherest to the back and laid down in the seat and waited till we got to the stupid as hell hole called school.

*1 hr later*

The dreaded Twinkie on wheels rolled up to the bus stop at the school and I got off the bus the first things I heard when I got off were.

"Fag..Eww look at her...Gross....fucking fag"

I was speechless walking to class when I ran into someone and we both fell on the floor I panicked and said

"Im so sorry.."

But when I looked up I saw the hottest emo girl ive seen in my life, who smiled and laughed .

"Woah its ok didnt hurt anything or anyone"

I couldnt speak i was speechless...she was amazing I wanted her..

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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