Chapter seven

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My mind was whirling. Peter said 'Shadow'. Peter called me Shadow. But how? Shadow was just a name I gave Spider-man so he could call me something. My dad does not even know that I now go by Shadow. But Peter knew. But only Spider-man knows. Peter 'works' for my dad. My dad paused when I said Peter's name. Peter recognized my suit. My dad told me he knew someone at this school, my mistake was thinking it was someone who worked here and not a student. Only one thing made sense. And that was, Peter was Spider-man. More matter how bad I wanted it to not be true, it was the only way Peter could know about Shadow.

Realization hit me right as Peter left through the gym doors. And right as the doors closed again once he left, I was brought back to reality. I could move again. And I did, I ran. I ran straight to the doors that Peter just barely went through.

I had been standing still in the same spot since I punched Flash, not moving a muscle. So when I went straight from standing still to running like my life depended on it. It must have looked weird. Right as I reached the doors I heard a voice shout from the other end of the gym.

"Hey. You can't leave," said a voice I believe belonged to the coach. Which meant he was back.

I didn't stop. I had to get to Peter. I had to talk to him. When I got into the hall I saw a door to one of the rooms down the hall close. Assuming it was Peter I headed straight for that door.

Ned's pov.

I saw Peter go for the doors. Alexa was standing still with a look of shock on her face. Right as Peter got to the doors I saw coach come back through the doors on the other end of the gym. Peter went through the doors, and coach saw it. Then Alexa ran straight to the doors Peter just went through. And coach called out, but she didn't seem to care.

"Hey. You can't leave," coach shouted at them.

"Hey, ah coach let me go after them," I said.

"And why should I let you do that?" He asked.

"I um know where they went, and you need to stay here to keep an eye on everyone else," I replied.

"Good enough for me. Go on then," he responded. "And Mister Thompson, why are you lying on the floor?"

"Ah, I fell?" Flash said posing it more as a question.

"He got punched by a girl," MJ corrected him.

Everyone else laughed, and I left to go find Peter and Alexa, as Flash stood up and tried to get some of his pride back.

Alexa's pov.

I opened the door and saw Peter standing there. "Oh. My. Odin. Holy ragnarok. How in Thor's name. You. It's you. You're the guy who turned down becoming a member of the Avengers. Wow. Just wow. You're Spider-boy."

"Still calling me that, I see," he said.

"Always," I responded.

"Aside from me feeling slightly betrayed. How does no one know Mr Stark has a daughter? 'Cause I'm assuming that is true."

"Yes, I'm his daughter. Now you know why I couldn't tell you before. And by the way no one else can know any of this."

"Yes, of course. But I mean how do you just keep a person a secret from the world?"

"Same way you keep your other half a secret. Who is in on that secret anyways?"

"Mr Stark, the Avengers, Happy, Ned, my aunt, and now you. How about you, I mean who knows who you really are?"

"My family, a few guys back in Malibu, and now you."

"Your family?"

"Yeah, you know my dad, Pepper, Happy, all of the Avengers."

"Oh. So all of that you said back there was all a lie. Why did it sound so real?"

"Most of it was real. My home in Malibu was destroyed because of my dad's choices, and he was offered a job here. My mother did die in childbirth, her and my dad were never together, and her last name was Smith. My dad does like to drink, and you could say he is a mechanic in a way. But half of it was a lie. I don't live in Brooklyn. I don't live in a small apartment. Lang is Scott's last name. And Happy drives me to school."

"Wow. Ok then. So you live with all the Avengers?"

"Yeah, most of them."

"That's gotta be so cool."

"Eh, not really. Thor likes to eat all the pop tarts. And it's hard to find some alone time."

"Ok. Wait, your name is Alexa, right?"

"Yes. My full name is Alexa Hailey Stark."

"Ok, good. So the real reason why you never stay at a school for very long is that people start to figure out who you really are?"

"No actually, this was the first time I got anywhere near close to someone finding out. Actually I thought it was you, well Spider-man who found out who I was and then told Flash about it. But I guess I was wrong there."

"Oh, no I had no idea. And no way I would tell Flash, Ned sure, but Flash? That guy hates me."

"Ha, yeah I've noticed."

The door opened and we saw Ned come in.

"Oh, there you guys are, I've been looking all over for you guys. We need to get back to the gym before we all get in trouble." He said.

"Oh ah, yeah, right let's go than," Peter responded.

"What were you guys even doing in here? I mean I would say making out, but you were standing to far away for that, even if you were that lucky," Ned said to Peter.

"You know I can hear you right? And no, why would we be making out?" I asked.

"You ah wouldn't, that's what I was ah saying," Ned replied.

"You aren't ah- I mean if you are that's fine. But are you um ah-" Peter fumbled.

"Just spit it out," I cut him off.

"Are you ah- do you like girls?" Peter asked me.

"I mean yeah I like girls, do I want to kiss them? No. So if you're asking me if I'm a lesbian, the answer is no. Though there are a few celebrities that probably could change that with the drop of a hat for a moment or two," I said.

"Then what's up with you and Sam?" Ned asked.

"Well Sam is bi, well mostly into girls, but will go straight for some guys. And she would go out with me if she could, but I don't swing that way. Now are we going to go in or are we just gonna stand out here and talk about who is and who isn't straight?" I said.

"Peter's straight," Ned blurted out.

"Ok. Yeah, let's go in now," Peter said.

We walked back into the gym and all eyes landed on us, it felt like we were in one of those movies or a teen fiction book. The coach was talking to a couple of the kids, but stopped when he saw us.

"Ah, there you kids are. Now sit down. We have about another fifteen more minutes, before you all go back to your classes," the coach said before he mumbled. "And I can go back to my pizza."

We all went and sat down next to MJ, who gave me a high five for punching Flash. Apparently the coach had to go get an ice pack for him, and he was still holding it up to his jaw.


Who else wants to punch Flash? 🙋🙋

Anyways this book now has over 2k reads, and I don't know how to say thank you enough, I seriously love you guys, thank you so much for reading.

I realized that I said who is cast as Alexa but I never gave a pic, so the pic at the top, side, (wherever it shows for you) is Alexa.

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