Girl meets boy

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Emily's p.o.v-

it was now the next day and time to go to school.

I got to school and met with Jess and she was texting someone

"Talk to him!"i tell her knowing she is texting tyler that is RIGHT there

"Why? We have a great text relationship."she says still texting him

i roll my eyes " You know what's a better?"i ask her

"what?"she asks now looking at me

"talk to him!"i say again pointing at tyler

"Noooo! Lots can go wrong over there. The only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there"she shakes her head

"dude really? your 16!and awesome !just do it"

I Point in Tyler's direction, and she walks over

Jess Attempts to say "Hi" two times and "hello" once to Tyler, but only mouths it

I Mouth "Talk to him"

she touches Tyler's neck and goes back to me "How'd I do"she asks me

"You touched him."I shake my head

" Yup."she nods while I roll my eyes

"You touched him is what you did"I say again

"I do thing the way i do things"she shrugs at me

"Can we please talk about this? "jess texts someone, then I receives the text "Nope."I read

I shake my head "come on"I laugh

we walk to class

*free period*

me and jess get to cory's class on my phone talking to josh while jess is texting someone..tyler

"ya i just got to his class"i smile threw the phone

"ok, oh i uh gotta go"he says like last time

"oh"he cuts me off by hanging up

"well ok!"i stare at my phone and than look up at the class "uh hi.."i smile at the younger kids

"hey em!"they all say "um ok.."i look at them not knowing most of them and than i sit down at cory's desk like usual

"hey J"lucas says to his sister

"You guys don't connect with each other. It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies". me riley and maya mimic zombies "Stop eating her". He turns To Myzell "You're late, Miss Myzell."

Myzell says Flatly "My goldfish died."

Cory turns To his students "You see? This is what I'm talking about. Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet, she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions!"

"Myzell Flatly says " Excuse me? I am crying my eyes out. I'm gonna have to leave class early." she Exits

cory says About her "Oh, she actually made it out the door this time" he Opens the door

Myzell Appears in the doorway "I actually made it out the door this time!"she laughs and then goes to her seat

Riley turns To Cory" Dad, adjust and deal. Cell phones have been around for, like, ever."

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