It's another morning

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Tape Number 1 part 1

My name is Kyle Broflovski. I am 15, 3 months and 12 hours. Everyday I wake up and realize it's just another say. I want to fall asleep again, disappear into the deep caves of my mind and never come out. Of course, we all know that's not going to happen.

I have curly red hair, emerald green eyes, small elf ears and masses on masses of freckles. I have high, Cherokee cheekbones, a small forehead and a upturned nose.

My style has changes, no surprise.

I now have checkered shirts that cover my arms and stomach as its so baggy, skinny jeans and a forest green beanie to top it off. And of course, all my clothes are either black or dark forest green.

☆*:. .:*☆

I woke up in the morning, with a pain in my head and dried blood in my pyjamas. I sighed, stripping off my Star top which said 'Would you like to fly with me?' and threw it in the wash.

I washed my arms to get rid of the ever pooling blood and put on a top and put my stereotypical green and black checkered shirt on.

After getting dressed and putting on my numerous chockers and piercings, I went downstairs to be greeted by Ike, my little brother.

Ike was a definate Momma boy, rosy chubby cheeks, brown eyes, and blonde hair. He only had blonde hair since Mom let him dye it. I loved him. He understood me. Then again, he only understood because he went through the same sort of thing. Only Firkle did love him. So lucky...

"Hey Ike." I said, putting on a smile that once again could not reach my eyes.

"Hey KyKy." Ike said, happily eating his cheetos. Its surprising how a smile can mask everything from everyone. Especially people who know you the best. Unsettling, but useful.

"I gotta go now, k bro?" I said, Ike raising a brow and throwing me a look that made me want to hide.

"Without breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Breakfast club" I dropped a kiss on my brother's head and walked out the door. I never saw his expression.

☆*:. .:*☆

I avoided the bus. That was where the bully's where and I didn't feel up to taking their crap. I kept my eyes on the ground, putting on my skull headphones and started listening to 'I lied, I'm dying inside.'

School was only five minutes away from my home, so it took no time getting there early. I walked to the cafeteria, sitting on an empty table and started to draw.

I was, after twenty minutes or so, bothered by Cartman's new group. It was so like him to ditch all of us.

A piece of paper hit my on my head. I opened it.
'kill yourself, fag.' I'll add it to the collection. I sighed, it was my cue to leave.

When I managed to escape Cartman's group, I saw Stan snogging the school's slut Kamira.

My crush was snogging my worst enemy.

You would think Cartman was my worst enemy, but he is nothing compared to Kamira.

Kamira has taken so much from me.

And seeing her with him somehow broke something inside me. I should feel sad. I should scream. I should shout. I should have gone insane. I should have burst into tears. But I felt numb. I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel sad. I didn't feel angry. I just felt empty.

I dodged the two and headed for my locker, grabbing my books and a little something else. I turned to see Butters, or rather, Margirene. Although me and Kenny call her Mari.

"Again?" She said sadly. She knows. No one else does.

"I need to feel." I said, sounding flat and dead.

She sighed, pushing a curl out of my face. "Your eyes look dead. Their not how they used to be."

"How'd you mean?"

"They used to sparkle. Now their just dulled down, clear and glassy."

I stayed quiet. I can't really say anything to that.

"They used to be so beautiful. So innocent. You could tell exactly what you where thinking back then."

"Well, I've lost myself."

"I wish you hadn't."

The bell rang.

"Tell Ms. Schuumar I'll be late."

"... OK..." I hugged Mari and went to the bathroom with my bandages and a sharp, sharp object.

☆*:. .:*☆

After lesson, I saw Kenny approaching me.

"Hey Ken."

"Hey Ky." He had a look of mischief on his face.

"What is it?" I groaned, sitting on my desk as my teacher and the majority of the class was gone.

"Well~" he showed me a picture of this great looking guy. The guy had ravan black hair, a slight tan, Cherokee like me, and black eyes.

"Holy shit, he's hot!" I said, turning slightly pink.

"Wanna meet him?"


"He's already seen a picture of you. He said the same thing about you. So, you up for it?"

I paused, unsure. Then again, I should start to move on from Stan.

"... Yes."

I lied *Style* UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now