Chapter 12: Premonitions

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Chapter 12

“Father, I have a favour to ask of you.” Weylin stood before his father in Camlin's private quarters, where he was stuffing fruit into his mouth. He grinned. “Well from the time you spent alone with her, I'm assuming you did the job well.” “Weylin grimaced at his father's crudeness, but nodded. “I have done what you asked, and I would like a favour in return. The girl is my wife now, and her virginity is gone. Hopefully she will bear my child soon. Can we send a message to her family to let them know that she is alive and well?” Seeing his father's frown, he quickly added, “She has been more than compliant, she gave me no trouble in the marriage bed and has resolved herself to bearing my son and obeying our commands. Could we not show her this small one courtesy in return?”

His father through a moment, then grunted his assent. “I will write a letter and have it sent to her family. They will be informed that she is alive and well, and is now married to you. I will also inform them that when she bears a child, we will discuss a peace treaty.” He waved his hand as two buxom servant girls entered, their dresses very low cut. “Now go, I have things to do this morning.” The girls giggled as he closed the door as Weylin left.

The next few weeks passed slowly. Not being allowed to leave the castle meant that Maeve was limited in what she could do. She was not allowed to run the household in any way, Camlin would not trust her until she was with child. So she resigned herself to reading and sewing most of the time. Her dreary days were separated by passionate nights with her husband. But when the first month went by and her courses came (period), she was disappointed. Even a letter from her family did not cheer her. She knew she must conceive a child; she would have no freedom or safety until she did.

Another month passed, and still no baby. Weylin called in a midwife and she gave Maeve some herbs that would help with fertility. But another month passed, and still her courses came and her belly stayed flat.

Her only joy was with Weylin. He had admitted his love for her, and she confessed that she felt the same way. Their moments together were sweet; his caresses were gentle and he was a pleasure to talk to. If only they were not in this castle, with his father's threat looming over them...

Another month passed. Maeve could feel Camlin's eyes on her at every meal, boring into her. He could see that she wasn't with child, and it angered him. She did her best to be the perfect wife and daughter-in-law, but she could see the anger slowly building. It scared her. “Weylin, I'm frightened,” she whispered that night after they had made love. “Your father knows I am without a child, I fear he is planning to harm me!” Weylin stroked her hair, worry lining his face. “I am worried too. I will talk to him in the morning. I must assure him that you are not a maid, and that the problem is not your fault.” Seeing a tear escape her eye, he brushed it away. “Don't worry, my love; I will protect you.” She snuggled against him and eventually fell asleep, but sleep eluded him.

The next morning he met his father. Camlin was unusually silent as Weylin assured him that he and Maeve were making love regularly, and that barrenness was not her fault if that were the reason. A look that Weylin was unsure of was on his father's face. “Of course, son. I will give her more time to give you a child. But I have much to do today. Be sure you are prepared to help me this evening, I have a task for you to do.” Relived but still slightly suspicious of his father's strange behaviour, Weylin gave a half bow. “Thank you, my father. I will do my best to please you.” Camlin stood to show him out. “I will need you at sunset. See that you are not late.”

When the doors were closed and Weylin was gone, he turned to the servant girls who had begun to undress per his usual command. “Are you ready to pleasure me, my beautiful whores?” They moaned, dropping their clothes to the floor. He expected nothing less than total submission, and they knew better than to appear like they weren't enjoying themselves. They started undressing him, and he groaned as their hands ran over his hardened bulge. These two girls were his personal servants, and had no other obligations than to pleasure him whenever he called. And they were very good at what they did. He smiled; this was going to be a good day.

Weylin told Maeve about the conversation with his father. “I am still worried that he blames you for not being with child. He said he would give you more time, but there was something in his face that disturbed me.” Worried, he clasped her hand tightly, and then said the words she had never thought he would say:

"We're going to escape.”

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