7-Even If You Purposely Break Your Ankle

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7-‘Even If You Purposely Break Your Ankle’

“Are you going?”


“Will you go with me?”


“Will you go if there’s chocolate involved?”


“Will you go if I pay you?”


“Will you go if nobody goes with you?”


“Will you go if I get you a hot date?”

I pause. “How hot?”

“Really hot,” Zach nods.

“Okay. I’ll go if you get me a hot date.”

He sighs in relief. “Alright. But you have to promise me, Gabi, that you’ll go if I get you this date. No matter what.”

“Even if I purposely break my ankle?”

He nods again. “Even if you purposely break your ankle.”

Reluctantly, I force the words out of my mouth, “I promise.”

Zach’s whole face brightens like a light bulb. “Thanks so much, Gabi!” 

There’s this party going on at his friend’s house. It’s suppose to be ‘the hottest party of the summer’ or whatever. Parties aren’t my thing. I don’t drink; my dad died from it. If I even see a drink I’ll start gagging. But now Zach’s dragging me to this party and I have a feeling I’m going to regret it. “Zach?”


“I need a…a…”

“You need a what?” He raises his eyebrows, a knowing smile on his face. Dammit, he’s going to make me say it.

“A…” I gulp in, whispering, “…a dress.”

A full grin is on his face, and he’s pulling me off the couch. “Oh my god. I never though you would say those words aloud. We gotta go find you a dress.”

“Why don’t you just announce it to the world, Zach?” I snap sarcastically.

He stops mid way in the kitchen, where everybody is eating lunch. “GABRIELLA GOMER IS GOING SHOPPING FOR A DRESS!”

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