Chapter 11

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Jaime was the first to notice the bandage on her hand as they greeted one another in the corridor the next day. With everything that had transpired and her mother's blatant threat, she had entirely forgotten about the cut on her hand – much like she had forgotten to sleep. However, as Jaime couldn't know about anything that had happened, a little wound on her palm did seem important to him.

She wouldn't deny his concern was adorably charming, but it was slightly annoying as he treated her like a child. Granted she was only eighteen name-days old and Jaime near forty, it was still quite offensive to her. He acted like the small cut on her palm was a fatal injury. He had even rushed to fetch Maester Pycelle, leaving her to mutely glare as he ignored her protests.

Her mother was stalking both of them, and claimed to have allies in Westeros and Jaime was babying her over a cut palm? She'd have a lot worse than a cut palm if her mother had her way. Stop, she scolded herself as she reentered her chambers, Jaime doesn't know, he's just trying to be a good person. She was still annoyed, but now it was more directed at herself for being so childish.

Jaime wasn't in the wrong in the situation, and it was actually very sweet that he wanted to help her, but she'd hoped that after all the sparing and talking that he'd view her as an equal. Clearly he didn't, because she was certain if she were a man that he wouldn't quite care about a cut on her hand. The rules in Westeros were so different to Asshai, and she felt that Asshai's laws were better.

Jaime returned less than an hour later, with a tired old man behind him. Unlike both Megara and Jaime, who were fully dressed, the Maester was in nothing but a large shirt and his Chain. His eyes were still crusted in morning-glories as he took her hand in his to undo the bandage.

Megara peered up at Jaime through her eyebrows, glaring, but more playfully than she had earlier. "Don't look at me like that; this is for your own good." Jaime smirked at her, causing her to bit her lip to keep from laughing. "Well, I'll tell you one thing," Maester Pycelle grinned in Jaime's direction. "The girl knows how to tie a bandage; this is exactly as we were taught in the Citadel."

"What about the cut?" Jaime asked. "It's deep," Maester Pycelle said, looking back to Megara. "I can't help but wonder how you got it." Megara bit her lip, before giving the best like her sleep-deprived mind could come up with. 'I was drunk last night and I slipped. Quite foolish, really.'

Maester Pycelle nodded, before retying the bandage. "The only thing that's going to heal that is time, but if you feel any pain, some Milk of the Poppy will help." Megara nodded in a very uninterested manner, as the old man left the chamber, closing the door behind him.

'See, I told you not to go and wake him. It's really nothing, J.' Megara said as Jaime sat down next to her. 'Perhaps it wouldn't be, if you had told Pycelle the truth. What really happened, Meg?' Jaime asked. 'I was flipping a knife and it cut my hand. It was dark, I was tired and slightly drunk and caught the blade. I figured you wouldn't want me to tell anyone about my skills with blades.' She felt a pang in her heart as she lied, mostly because Jaime believed her.

'Alright, I trust you. But we're not sparing today, it will only make the cut worse.' Megara felt her face fall, she quite enjoyed sparing with him, and she knew he enjoyed it too. 'Don't make that face,' Jaime said. 'I want to spar too, but I want your hand to heal more. But, I don't have duty until tonight, so the rest of the day is ours.' Megara grinned as a perfect way to spend the day crossed her mind.

"You are joking, right?" Jaime asked as stared at the rushing water, falling from high above them. Megara grinned and shook her head. 'I've never been swimming, and this is far enough out of the way.' she laughed as Jaime mockingly frowned. It was true – they were three hours ride from King's Landing, and Jaime checked that there were no inns, houses or farmsteads nearby. They were entirely alone.

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