Yours-You're on (1/2)-Thomas

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As I was walking to back to the apartment from the pool I noticed that Thomas was walking in the same direction and that we would cross paths if we both kept going at the same pace. You had lived at the apartments for around two years now and you have had plenty of walks and bored days to know the timing and distance of the walkways and sidewalks. So I tried to speed up "fuck!" I cursed under my breath it hurt my feet to much to walk at a quicker pace on the cobblestone. Oh I bet he planned this! Him and your best friend , she's probably the one who took my shoes...and honestly I couldn't be more great full about it too. When he asked me to stay with him after my cousins and Nani left I felt like he was planning something but I ignored it since I have had this major crush on him since like fourth grade. And we were juniors in highschool now. Him with his messy dirty blonde hair that somehow made him look so hot and adorable at the same time, his deep chocolate drown eyes that you could just drown in, his pink lips with all the imperfections that made them that much more perfect, and his slim but muscular figure that still had you melting, and that sexy British accent that made your knees weak every time he said something. Why! Why had you fallen for this guy, then again how could you not! I can only think back on the last couple hours of my life and wish that I could but it on pause and rewind on a loop forever.

Flashback (1 hour earlier)

It was after the second to lay day of school so, naturally, you had just gotten back from field day and you were at the apartment pool with your cousins and your best friend, Nani, to celebrate you almost being out of school. You and your cousins always had loved the pool, just being in the water always made everything a blast. But you were always self-conscious whenever you were around other people at a pool, you weren't as thin as most girls, mostly your lower stomach and thighs. You felt as if you were extremely over weight and looked it too, you had pimples, blackheads, all over your nose and temple. Scabs, and scars, to match the ones on your face, all over arms, legs, and body in general! Then all of a sudden one of the worst things that could've possibly happened to you happened, Thomas showed up! You and him were friends, kind of. People always described it as a love/hate relationship between you too. But you didn't think that he felt really any kind of relationship between you two at all. But what he didn't know is that you've had a major crush on him basically since the day you met him. And then there he was just him and his sister, Ava, walking up to the pool gates. You swam over to Nani as fast as you could and told her your sightings. You both secretly watched him walk over to a table and put his and his sisters stuff down and peel off his own shirt. You could swear you were so flustered it seemed you could've burst into flames at any second, while Nani teases you mercilessly about it for a good five minutes before she let you move on with the day.

So to take you mind off of it your cousins, best friend and you decided to play Marco Polo around the pool. Now the rules when you guys played were:
1-polo had to count to twelve before calling out Marco (why it was twelve you had no idea),
2-if you went underwater you had to say polo as soon as possible once you resurfaced
3-and if you were out of the water when polo called "fish out of water" you were instantly polo.
As you were counting to twelve you heard slight whispers but you choose to shrug it off and ignore it cause you thought it was probably just Noah or Vivian trying to figure out where to go. You counted "10...11...12" you finished and called out "Marco!" And in return you got "Polo!" Coming from three different directions, but you decided to go to the one that sounded most like Nani so your cousins wouldn't complain about getting caught "unfairly". "!" You called out "Polo" came the response so you tried to move in the direction of the sound and once you heard the slight sloshing of water next to you you dove in.

Yes you dove

You and your best friend weren't as fragile as you appeared so you enjoyed ruff play with each other. So you planned to grab her and maybe even shove her into the water in the process. Anyways once you launched out to sea in an attempt to grab her you did grad someone. But it wasn't who you expected. You felt skin against you in your hugging type of trap. Bare skin, not as much as Nani's bathing suit uncovered so you figured it was a guy. You experimentally lightly ran your hands up to the guys shoulders and he seemed to tall to be Noah. When all of a sudden felt the body slightly shudder and his breathing pick up at your actions you knew this wasn't Noah and you where trying to figure out who this could be.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster:Great, were all bloody inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now